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Tag: The Fine Print

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The Fine Print: Beating Citi in Arbitration, What It Means for You

The annual fee on my client’s Citi Prestige card was due. He called Citi’s retention department and was told that he would receive a $200 statement credit if he spent $4000/month for 3 months. My client did so by spending more than $4000/month for three consecutive calendar months. Citi refused to honor the credit because the spending was not done in three consecutive billing cycles.
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The Fine Print: No Justice In Small Claims Court

The following is not legal advice. Contact Alexander Bachuwa, a New York attorney, at BachuwaLaw.com if you have an inquiry.  When I first started writing...
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The Fine Print: Equifax Data Breach, What It Means Today*

Disclaimer: The following is not legal advice. If you have been affected by Equifax's data breach and are in need of representation, submit an...
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The Fine Print: No Class-Actions Against Banks? So What

With President Trump’s signature, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) rule that would have given consumers the right to opt out of arbitration will not go into effect. This means that consumers will have to file their grievances individually in a private arbitration instead of as a consolidated group in a public court of law.
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The Fine Print: Fighting Citi Prestige’s ‘Trip Delay’ Shenanigans

Introduction As points enthusiasts, our priority is meeting the requirement to obtain the signup bonus. The next priority is to maximize the benefits that come...

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