As reported on reddit and Doctor of Credit, some of the new benefits of the Platinum cards from American Express are already rolling out — including the $15 Uber credit, and users are confirming that it is working on UberEats at the time of this writing. As this is a monthly credit that expires at the end of the month, you have today and tomorrow to use the credit for the month of March (a new credit will appear on April 1st).
Just add your Platinum card
According to View from the Wing, you do not need to pay with your Amex Platinum card in order to receive the credit — simply add your personal Platinum card to your payment methods in the Uber app and you should automatically receive the credit added to your Uber account. Per Doctor of Credit, you may need to remove and re-add your Platinum card to your Uber payment methods if you previously had the card stored.
Remember that this benefit is for the personal versions of the card only and the credit will only appear for the primary cardholder (authorized users will not receive their own credit). Cardholders with multiple personal Platinum cards should qualify for a $15 credit from each card.
Request metal card
Also being widely reported, Platinum cardholders can now request a new metal card and it may be delivered as soon as tomorrow. Many cardholders are reporting long hold times over the phone, but you can also request a replacement card online through your account either via chat or the replacement card option

So I can’t get the credit with my Amex Platinum business?
So wait…does the $15 credit show in the Uber bill or does it bill Amex and $15 credit is then applied afterward? Because I JUST ordered Uber eats and my receipt shows I was billed $16.90, despite having it linked to my Amex Mercedes Platinum card (I can see the $15 credit in the Uber app…but not in the UberEATS app).
Same problem!
Update: the final Amex charge did include the 15$ discount
I got charged $16.90….no discount on my Amex charge. Something must have went wrong. Sigh…time to open a dispute with someone (but who? Amex or Uber?)
Wait until it is no longer a pending charge and see if it corrects. If not, take it up w AMEX imo.
Can we buy gift cards using the credit?
No. Users on reddit have tried — it charges your credit card. The credit won’t work for buying a gift card.
Was tempted to request the cool metal version and then realized… I don’t really actually use the physical card for anything!
The only decent points-earning is on airfare, and that’s booked online.
Eating out? Sapphire Reserve.
Any transit-related costs other than Uber? Also Reserve.
Expensive gadgets? Citi Prestige due to better warranty extension.
So basically my Platinum is good for booking airfare, and even that might be better on the Prestige given that card’s better travel insurance.
But I guess I’ll enjoy a few bucks worth of Uber credits and some Centurion lounge accesses until the $550 annual fee hits.
It was a mostly nice run, Amex. Will miss ya.
I think you mean “Won’t miss ya”
If you will miss it, then you should keep it at 550.
Still 4 cards @ 550+175 is a deal.
550+175-200-200=325/4=$81.25 per year per user for individual Centurion lounge access. This does not include any AMEX offer rebates, which can be pretty valuable.
Heh, Andrew, this sort of thing ain’t binary. I miss at least one of my ex-girlfriends, but that doesn’t mean breaking up wasn’t the right thing to do ;). In the case of Amex, I’ll miss many things, but not $550 worth of things 😉
Between my wife and me, we have 4 personal Platinum cards (regular and Mercedes-Benz), so I see $60 in total Uber credits after adding all 4 cards to my Uber account. Does anyone know if I can use $60 credit towards Uber Eats, or is it limited to $15 per order?
Based on what I’ve read on Reddit this morning, I believe they will stack. You might want to test it with an order closer to $20 than $60 in case that’s incorrect, but several people on reddit have claimed that they stack.
Here’s my experience: 2 credits added (me and wife), placed an order for ~$22. My card is showing a pending charge for the entire amount of $22, but the receipt I got from Uber is showing $22 in credits and $0 total charged to card.
Can you comment on if there’s a $8 credit left for you to use later?
Yes, I had $8 left but the figure updated only after the order was delivered. Also, as of today the pending charges have fallen off the card.
You had $30 in credits between you and your wife. After the $22 order, do you still have $8 in credits left?
Yea ordered $50 of uber eats yesterday. Card is showing a pending charge for the whole amount. Uber eats emailed me a receipt showing a charge for $15.
Can you request a metal card for the business version too?
I don’t believe they are making the business version metal — just the personal version.