This page contains the best publicly available credit card offers. With some of the offers shown below, we’ll earn a commission if you click through and are approved for the card. That said, if a better public offer is available, we always show the better offer even if it means no commissions for us. For additional details, see our Advertiser Disclosure. Advertiser partners include American Express, Barclays, Capital One, and

To find the best public offers, please visit our Best Credit Card Offers page. To see if you have been targeted for an even better offer, try the CardMatch Tool.
–> Click here to check to see if you qualify for targeted offers via the CardMatch Tool <–
Via the CardMatch Tool, people sometimes find a enhanced offer for the Amex Platinum card. There is no credit pull involved in using the tool.
[…] Simply click through to the appropriate application page and fill out the details. Here are the current welcome bonus offers. Click the offer you are interested in for more details and then click through to the application page. Note that some people find an even better offer for the generic consumer Platinum card by checking the CardMatch Tool. […]
[…] the CardMatch Tool to see if you are targeted for any good offers. People often report finding offers of up to […]