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Very weird – when i click through to US bank, it says the offer is valid through 4/17/25. But then on top of the application it shows “We weren’t able to add this offer to your application.”

Any suggestions?


Can you push $4001 then withdrawal and push the same $4001 again to get the bonus?


In order to stay eligible for future promos, and considering the $0 monthly fee with a US bank CC, is there a best practice for amount of time to keep the account open after successfully receiving the bonus? For example, in the credit card SUP space, we usually wait until the new annual fee has posted, so ~ 12 months + a few days.


Also, adding data point. My second DD posted to my account on 2025.01.30, and the bonus was deposited to my account the following day. That is incredibly fast.


I opened this account 1/10, immediately did 2 ACH deposits for $4050 each, then withdrew $5k in 1/14 to get that money back into a higher yield savings account. I got my $450 bonus on 1/21, shockingly fast!


The bonus tracker is great, but how long does it take to register direct deposits? I’ve pushed money in from Schwab brokerage as well as Cap1, both of which are listed in DoC as being successful, but days later neither is showing up in my bonus tracker. Strangely, only the $0.71 from tiny direct deposits used to verify the account linkage has registered as counting toward the bonus requirement. That represents the deposits made from both Schwab and Cap1 so hopefully the bigger pushes will soon show up.


Where is the bonus tracker located?


go to your account and scroll until you see it. It is on the web and in the app, both. Also the direct deposits from Schwab qualified for the bonus requirements; just took a little time. Received 450 bonus quickly too, only a couple weeks.


The USB link on the swagbucks page is giving me too many redirects error across browsers and devices. Wonder if anyone else is seeing that.

Jordan T

The link to states have a US Bank branch no longer exists. Does anyone know off hand?


The FAQ from this site: provides the below.

Which states have U.S. Bank branches?

Fine print for the offer says: “Offer may not be available if you live outside of the U.S. Bank footprint.” May not also means may be.


Do you know if Texas would be considered “within the US Bank footprint”? From what I find on the website there is just one business banking location in Ft. Worth, TX.


If you have a consumer (not business) US Bank credit card this usually qualifies you to open an account nationwide.