Update 11/22/24: Keep an eye on your emails because this wasn’t a one-off targeting of Bonvoy members. There have been numerous reports of $50 gift cards once again going out to Bonvoy members, this time as a holiday gift. No idea what the rhyme or reason is as to who gets targeted, but it’s probably worth keeping an eye on your inbox and your spam over the next week or two.
If you’ve gotten any emails from Marriott this week, it’d be worth opening them if you hadn’t already. That’s because Greg randomly received a $50 promo eGift card out of the blue this week.
The email said the following:
Thank you for being a valued Marriott Bonvoy Titanium Elite member. We are excited to host you for your upcoming stay.
In appreciation of your continued loyalty and to help make your upcoming stay special, we are pleased to provide you with a $50 Marriott Bonvoy Promotional eGift Card! You can redeem this gift immediately at participating brand locations toward eligible hotel purchases, including rooms, food and drinks, room service, gift shop merchandise, and even on the golf course or at the spa.
Expiry Date: 2024-09-19
Redeem Your Reward
Present this email at the hotel to redeem your Marriott Bonvoy Promotional eGift Card.
It’s particularly interesting that they reference the fact that Greg has an upcoming stay. It therefore doesn’t seem like they’re sending them out in the anticipation of recipients booking a stay with them. Instead, it seems aimed at driving incremental spending on a stay already booked.
As you can see, this isn’t a regular Marriott gift card that he was sent as those never expire. This promo eGift card expires a month after the date he received it, so it’ll be a case of use it or lose it. It’s nice that it’s not restricted in terms of what it can be redeemed for; presumably so long as something can be charged to your room, the promo card can be used to offset its cost.
I’m curious if this is an offer initiated at the hotel Greg’s going to be staying at (in which case it’s very highly targeted), or if Marriott is randomly (or not-so-randomly) picking some Bonvoy members with upcoming stays and hoping these $50 gifts will generate far more spend during stays.
Let us know in the comments if you’ve received something similar from Marriott this week.

I have it in my activity on marriot.com:
but no email!
Input “promotional egift card” in your email search bar…that’s how I found mine.
Thank you! I finally found it
I got a lump of coal in my stocking this year from Marriott 🙁
I received this email last night and have no upcoming stays! Titanium. Someone is going to get a new robe this Xmas!
Same here, I just received one and although I have upcoming stays, it says “In appreciation of your continued loyalty and to help make your holidays even brighter”
I woke this (11-22-24) and had one of these in my inbox. Was wondering if it was a hoax and ended up here. Lifetime Titanium member with no upcoming stays.
I received the same notice on 11-22-24. My email says it expires 12-31-24. I was googling the subject language to see if it was legit, and found this page.
Is there a specific subject line that they are using so it is easier to notice?
The email I received had the subject line ‘Enjoy a gift from Marriott Bonvoy to celebrate your upcoming stay’, but I’m not sure if they use different subject lines.