Quite a few card-linked offers are out to save money on popular tax preparation services. Keep in mind that most of this can be stacked with a shopping portal to save even more. If your tax situation is simple, the savings here might not be much at all, but for others, the savings can really add up.
The Deal
- We’re seeing a number of card-linked offers to save on tax preparation. You’ll need to log into your credit card accounts to see which you may be eligible to use based on your account, but here are some to look for (keep in mind that enrollment is required):
- TaxAct
- 30% back (up to $60 back) via Amex Offer (check your account for eligibility). Expires 4/15/25
- 30% back (up to $60 back) via BankAmeriDeals (check your account for eligibility). Expires 4/30/25
- 25% back (up to $60 back) via Chase Offer (check your account for eligibility)
- TurboTax
- Spend $39 or more, get $20 back via BankAmeriDeals (check your account for eligibility). Expires 4/15/25
- Spend $39 or more, get $20 back via Citi Merchant Offers (check your account for eligibility). Expires 4/16/25
- Spend $50 or more, get $20 back via Amex Offer (check your account for eligibility). Expires 4/16/25
- Spend $150 or more, get $30 back via Amex Offer (check your account for eligibility). Expires 4/16/25
- TaxAct
Key Terms
- See your offer for full terms. Many offers are only valid on the first purchase made with the merchant. Also mind the differences in expiration dates.
Quick Thoughts
It’s worth keeping an eye on shopping portals for opportunities to stack. Obviously the savings here could range from not much to the full value, which could make a nice dent in tax prep cost. If you’re a procrastinator, it looks like the TaxAct BankAmeriDeals offer is the one to look for since that one expires on 4/30/25.

I use freetaxusa. Supports schedule C. I think it’s 15usd for state and federal.
If you are W2, save 100% at https://www.irs.gov/filing/irs-direct-file-for-free
Great option for those who can use it, though not quite that simple. Only residents of about half the states can use that. And I believe that if you qualify to file for free, you can also file for free through programs like TaxAct.
But you can’t file for free if you have a side gig / business or if you sold any investments and have capital gains to report. Can’t use it if married filing jointly and you earned more than $250K together (even if all of your income is W2).
Again, great option to keep in mind for those who qualify, but plenty of situations where these offers come in handy.
Even with these offers, HR Block is a better deal for me. Their basic software that does quite complicated returns is under $20 at Wall Mart and Office Depot. You can do all schedules, foreign earned income exclusion and much more.
Unfortunately, TaxAct is only 10% for me on BankAmeriDeals
I also got $5 off $25 TurboTax at Citi. Some coworkers got this version at Chase.
The state e-filing fee for TT (desktop, IDK about online) is $25 this year, should trigger this version of the offer, while the other versions are only good for buying the software or extra states ($45 without discount).