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THIS JUST IN FEOM DoC: Smartly being taken offline for 2-3 weeks to be reworked. Existing provisions will be honored for 12 months. But, it would appear the end of the line may have come.


There is also a rumor that US Bank will not consider retirement assets towards the balance requirement. The beat goes on and the beat goes on.


The headline seems to imply all checking accounts with US Bank will no longer have their service fees waived if you hold a credit card. The link from DoC seems to imply this is only for Smartly accounts. Which is it?


So, I have a US Bank Gold checking and an Altitude Reserve card. Fees have always been waived. Will this change? I do not have a smartly checking and I keep about $500 in there.


I came here with the same question. I understand the maintenance fee on the Smartly checking will no longer be waived with a credit card starting on 5/19; do we know if that will also be the case with the Gold checking account? TYIA.