Valid through 10/9/13 (tomorrow!)
Sears is currently offering 12 miles per dollar through the United MileagePlus shopping portal and 16 miles per dollar for United MileagePlus cardholders! 16X is the best offer I’ve ever seen for Sears. Jump on it quickly!
Please see this post for details about how to maximize this promotion: Maximizing the 2 day Sears/MileagePlus 16X promotion
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Hello, I bought $2K Sears GC on 10/09 and 32K miles posted pending on my UnitedMileagePlus account about 10 days later.
Purchased $500 on Oct 9th & $2300 in gift cards on Oct 10th nothing posted as of today, Has anyone had any miles through purchases on these 2 days had them posted?
hi all- i just called mileageplus because i was credit 12x instead of 16x even though i am a mileageplus cardholder. i USED my FREEDOM card to make the purchases as many people did. has anyone had this problem? what is the solution? the rep told me i had to use my mileageplus card to make the purchases in order to be credited 16x, but it DOES NOT SAY THAT anywhere in the rules. appreciate the help awesome community members!
Sounds like a “hang up and call again” situation to me. There are no rules saying you must use the United card. I didn’t use my United card, but did earn 16X.
I purchased $100 eGC with Print function and all have credited to my account at 16x. I purchased 15 of them. 🙂
anyone have a screen shot of t/c that said
“The terms on the page say that gift card purchases are now eligible (as of October 4)”
I bought $150 on pants and physical GC and was detected by MP mall but I bought 2 $50 gift card and still nothing. Did anybody get the egift cards detected by United? I know a few bought hundreds and even thousands. Also went for the next day but told me could not cancel because it had already been processed. Anybody knows if this can be cancelled?
I purchased $3,000 in gift cards from the “print” tab last night (the last day of the 16X bonus) an then called to verify the purchase as suggested. Everything supposedly checked out, but over 24 hours later my the sale has not gone through and my card has not been charged. If it goes through now will I lose out on the portal bonus? Should I try to cancel it? I would rather not go through the expense and hassle just for the Chase Freedom points when I could just get the points somewhere else.
The UA shopping portal says it expires Oct 10, but you mention Oct 9. So does it expire Oct 9 at 12 midnight or Oct 10 at 12 midnight? Reason I am asking is because I want to buy some egift cards before making my purchase at Sears through the portal.
Also, does anyone know if Sears has a limit on the number of gift cards I can apply to an online sears purchase? I will be buying appliances which will require a lot of gift cards to be applied during check out. Thanks!
Where did you see the portal say Oct 10th? The email about the offer says “Was 4, now 16 miles per dollar through 10/9/13 / Online only”.
You can apply up to 15 gift cards to an order.
Thanks for the answer.
I found the expiration date on the mileage plus shopping homepage. When you are there, click on “all online offers” on the left of the page. Here is the link:
Anyone else finding it impossible to pay Sears with a Discover It card? “The credit card number you entered isn’t associated with the credit card type you’ve selected.Please try again.” Um, …?
That’s weird. I’ve never heard of that issue before.
If I buy physical gift cards with previous leftover physical gift cards from sears, would I get the 16x miles?
You can’t buy gift cards with gift cards online
What are your thoughts on double dipping this deal? We would have to buy e-gift cards to make it in time since deal ends tomorrow.
It’s quite a risk, but it just might work.
what do you mean by double dipping? triple dipping possible too? buy egift cards through portal at sears with freedom card that is linked to plink?
This is the fine print from the actual e-mail Mileage Plus sent out: Not eligible on purchases made with coupon or discount codes that are not found on this site. Only products with “Add to Cart” button are eligible. Not eligible on gift cards, gift certificates or any other similar cash equivalents. Not eligible on Home Delivery Charges, Auto Services, PA and Installation, Master Protection Agreements, Take With, Protection Plans, Sears auctions,, PartsDirect, Sears Canada, Portrait, Craftsman, Kenmore or Outlet purchases. Sears Marketplace products with “Go to Site” button are not eligible. Not eligible on Sold by Kmart items or any other licensed partners. Any return, exchange or other adjustment made at a physical store location for an on-line purchase may result in your purchase being deemed ineligible.
TL;DR Gift cards should not work through this particular portal, but ymmv
Strange that the T&C in the email and the T&C in the portal don’t match. This is very much YMMV, I think. Better to buy/resell items to be on the “safe” side.
Yes, I noticed too that the email and the web site had conflicting T&C. My assumption is that the T&C on the site is the applicable one.
Do you think buying $50 GC 30 different times will be ok, ha….
The fraud dep wont cancel the order?
I did it last month and was using plink, made a nice bonus and no problems at all with credit card.
Perfect…..Can you combine the sears GC’s?
I did it a month ago when they were offering double plink points for kmart. I only bought 10 and i did end up getting a call from sears checking for fraud. But all they did was ask me a few questions to confirm that i was the one who placed the order and it all went through fine after that.
but sears physical gift cards won’t net your 5X for freedom purchases, but will it still get you points through the portal?
I believe so. Portals keep track of the actual site they transfer you to and you place the order through. Your credit card bonus depends on the actual charge that goes through the CC. So the actual site you order from is SEars which is what the portal tracks, and the actual charge is kmart which is what the CC company sees. FM can probalby verify this better then me though.
Correct. You can ensure the Freedom 5X by buying Sears e-gift cards (since those are processed by Sears, but there is some risk that they won’t pay out points despite the new Terms & Conditions that suggest they will.
are you sure sears egift cards charge through sears? also can we use the sears gift cards at sears to buy other gift cards
I believe gift cards should work since you would be ordering through the sear’s site. I know it worked with the Shop Discover portal. The charge itself shows as Kmart on your credit card so i dont think the Freedom 5x will work. But cards linked with Plink should work if you have Kmart selected. Might need confirmation on this but i think this is accurate. I would love to find out im wrong about the Freedom 5x not working.
I believe that is correct.