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Tim, as a newbie to the checking/savings account bonus world….where can I find a clarification of the methods to fund an account with Direct Deposit. I went to your link for AN APPROPRIATE DEPOSIT DIRECT METHOD but I need some guidance here exactly what am I looking at and how to proceed.

Thank You for your response


The Doctor of Credit list is a compilation of anecdotal evidence for what Bank of America has (and has not) counted as “direct deposit.” The list is not a guarantee, as some of the data points are dated and it’s all subject to change, but generally speaking, more positive data points means a given transfer is more likely to be counted.

I don’t know what you mean by “appropriate.” If it works, it works. If you’re concerned about using one of those methods, you could arrange for an existing direct deposit (e.g. your paycheck) to go to your Bank of America account. Of course, that’s not strictly guaranteed to work either…


Can i fund w/ a cc?