Southwest provides updates re checked bags, dynamic pricing & more


Southwest released a video last week which provided a few updates with regards to how their new paid checked baggage policy will work, some hints as to their revised dynamic pricing policy and seating benefits on their credit cards and more.

Here’s the full video:

In case you’d rather have a TLDW (Too Long, Didn’t Watch) version, here’s a summary of what was shared.

Checked Baggage Policy

Up to 8 additional passengers eligible

As a quick recap, this will be the new checked baggage policy from May 28, 2025:

  • Two free checked bags
    • A-List Preferred Members
    • Business Select fares
  • One free checked bag
    • A-List Members
    • “Other select customers” (no indication yet as to who’ll be selected)
    • Southwest credit cardholders
  • Zero free checked bags
    • Everyone else

What we didn’t know when Southwest first announced these changes was how free checked bags would work when people travel with someone eligible for at least one free bag.

The good news is that Southwest will extend the free baggage policy to up to 8 additional passengers traveling on the same reservation. For example, if a family of five is traveling on Southwest and one of the parents has a Southwest credit card, all five family members can bring a checked bag for free.

Checked baggage fees unknown (for now), but hints given

In the video, they claim that they’re not allowed to provide specific details about bag pricing and other fees before they’re active. However, they did share that baggage fees “will be in line with industry standards” and that they’ll share more details as we get closer to May 28.

We should therefore be prepared for fees to be in the $35-$40 range for your first checked bag and $45-$50 for your second bag based on pricing for airlines like American Airlines, Delta and United.

A weird baggage policy For Companion Pass companions

The weirdest announcement within the video is how the free checked baggage policy will work for companions of Companion Pass holders.

For Companion Pass holders who are eligible for one or two free checked bags, their companion will have to pay for their checked bags, but they’ll subsequently receive a refund to their original form of payment. This seems like a frustrating and potentially confusing setup, but I’m assuming that it’s due to system limitations based on how quickly Southwest has had to throw this policy together as I imagine the upcoming new process is more convoluted than Southwest themselves would like.

Assigned Seating

Some Southwest credit cards come with free EarlyBird Check-Ins or A1-15 boardings every year. Seeing as Southwest is moving to an assigned seating model, those benefits will be rendered moot going forward.

That doesn’t necessarily mean that their credit cards will become less valuable. In the video they alluded to the fact that there’ll be some kind of seating benefits on at least one type of card – if not more – but there’s nothing specific at the moment. Hopefully this comes in the form of the ability to select seats for no fee rather than just being a “You get to be in boarding group 3” benefit.

Dynamic Pricing

The announcement a couple of weeks ago stated that Southwest “will also introduce variable redemption rates across higher-demand and lower-demand flights.” I’d taken that to mean that most award flights would maintain their current value, but that only some flights at either end of the demand spectrum would be priced differently.

Things might be worse than that though. That’s because in the video they state: “We are changing our redemption rates factoring in how much demand exists for a flight. For example, flights with lower demand will have a lower redemption rate, and flights with peak demand may have a higher redemption rate, and some flights will have the same or similar redemption rates as they do today.”

That sounds a little more loosey-goosey than I was expecting. To me, that gives the impression that while some award prices will stay the same and some flights will be regarded as peak and off-peak (and thus provide worse or better value for your points respectively), other non-peak and non-off-peak flights could still see a devaluation due to the inclusion of the “or similar” qualifier.


How do you feel about this video update? Does it settle some of your nerves about upcoming changes, or does it make you dread them even more? Let us know in the comments below.

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Wanda Spalding

Dread even more!! We are in our 80’s and I liked early check in!! Making it more difficult for our age group to!!!


Why bother? What So West is doing to their overall loyal customers is, we were loyal to them! How about them to us? Well, is more important after all!

Mary White

I think I will find another airline.


It clarifies some questions about the baggage policy but makes others (such as “dynamic pricing” way more confusing), like what IS that anyway? Give me an example! Should I use my four upgraded boardings asap because I’ll be losing them otherwise or will I be getting something else in return??? And I still haven’t gotten an answer to my oft-asked question about the irritating and obnoxious kid sitting behind me who keeps kicking the back of my seat and his equally obnoxious parent who thinks he’s cute and instead of making him stop, gripes to the FA about me!


Is Southwest trying to piss off their loyal customers and put themselves out of business? These changes are all very disappointing.

Last edited 16 hours ago by Christopher

Even though I hold the “A list perferred” status, I will be moving over to another airline. SW is basically telling their customers they don’t care about them, only the money they can get out of them.

They are going out of their way to get rid of every good thing that set them apart in the industry. It was good while it lasted but as they asy “all good things come to an end”.


Whelp Jess, I do think because of ALL airlines behaviors. We should pick one Airline to 100% botcot to re-educate these nags that they are to provide service not manage those who pay for a service they provide. I Do like SW over AA but they are all the same persay so I would fly AA if the GP chose to botcot SW or visa versa or Delt, UA, ect.
but IDT that we could get enough ppl to support that, there are just to many gullible people in the world. But the airlines behavior makes me question if the hiccups SW had earlier was a SW issue or a hostel attack to make SW to fall in line like the other airlines. Also It was deemed price fixing was illegal in the 40s, and they are doing it again, there is zero change in pricing across all airlines.


As an A List preferred and Companion Pass holder, I have been very loyal to Southwest…even before I was fortunate to earn these perks. When i had a young family, Southwest was the affordable way we could afford, thus I was loyal to Southwest. After observing these changes, and the “insultingly” reduction in mileage on the Wanna Get Away fares… i’ve already begun flying “other carriers”. You know what?…. many of the competition seats are actually more comfortable and a little bit more legroom than on the southwest flights. Wow! Then the?
Way southwest unexpectedly laid off many employees ( it could have been handled much better internally at Southwest with early retirement and buy outs) this is a clear signal to me.that passengers aren’t going to be valued as much. Thank you Southwest for encouraging me to use “American” enginuity with a “United” approach, to bridge the gap on this “Delta” Pun intended!!!


Mgt appears all in to be just like competition,,,
Has the makings of the “new coke blunder”
This will be a harvard business review point of discussion of what not to do.
American must be wringing hands in anticipation

J mar

I feel the same as many others about Southwest. The greedy equity firms around are making it very difficult for loyal customers to stay loyal in exchange for their wealthy clients to make more money for themselves.


As a years and years supporter of SW and devoted to flying SW only, I regrettably agree with the “greedy” adjective wholeheartedly!!! And as all this stands, I, for one will not feel loyalty to SW any longer but try to obtain the best rate possible at the time on a competing airline. Their seating is much more comfy! And as shown by recent reports of trouble with SW planes, as well as pilots, perhaps safer!!! IMHO, in the end, this new CEO and board members are going to run this great airline into the ground. They will not get rich off of me nor any of my family!


Southwest was perfect before some equity firm took over. Now they are going downhill fast. I always went for Southwest first. Now I will be flying other airlines.
They could have done things a lot differently to keep loyal customers. It’s now called greedy airlines!


Totally agree. They were my number one to fly. Now I’ll be look at a lot more airlines!!!


Cheryl and Mark I totally agree. I’m 74 years old and I’ve traveled exclusively on Southwest. I’m very disappointed with their revamping. Nothing about customer loyalty. I too will be looking for another Airlines. So sad. I always knew I’d get a great bargain on SW. Not anymore!


Looks like Southwest strategy is to be bought or merge with another carrier. They no longer can be considered a discount airline. They have lost their competitive edge in my book. Bye bye Southwest.


If Southwest is in trouble now, they are going to find themselves in even worse trouble with all these new confusing crap. People will leave them and find other airlines, we used to always fly Southwest when available but we will start looking into other flight options from now on.


I always flew SW, not anymore. I know they have higher prices than other airlines but I always go with them because of free luggage that perhaps had the luggage price in the airline fee. Now they are charging for bags and still have their high fees for flights…. bye bye southwest.


Of course SW will survive and probably prosper. All the other airlines do. People choose airlines based on price, schedules, and perks, not loyalty alone. I hate that SW is changing to be like every other airline. I’m miss them, but will fly SW if it’s my best option.


So what you are saying is that, no free bags, a list and business free but almost 50$ for eveyone else for bags????


If SW is charging more then why not go to a better airline. We will definitely be shopping around and if for a few dollars more we get a better flying experience with another airline then loyalty goes out the window. After all, loyalty is a two way street.


I’ve been a loyal Southwest flyer for many years. No more! For future flights, I will look elsewhere. Southwest, you blew it with these new policy changes. Now you can suffer the consequences!