Barclays JetBlue Plus Card

This page contains the best publicly available credit card offers. With some of the offers shown below, we’ll earn a commission if you click through and are approved for the card. That said, if a better public offer is available, we always show the better offer even if it means no commissions for us. For additional details, see our Advertiser Disclosure. Advertiser partners include American Express, Barclays, Capital One, and

Card Details and Application Link
Barclays JetBlue Plus Mastercard
70K Miles Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
70K miles after $1K in spend in 90 days and payment of annual fee.
$99 Annual Fee

Click here to apply
This is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
Note that the landing page prompts you to enter a mobile phone number to continue the application, but you can click "no thanks" to continue the application on your desktop device.
FM Mini Review: Frequent JetBlue travelers should seriously consider this card for its terrific perks. The combination of the 10% rebate on awards and the annual 5,000 point bonus make this card a keeper.
Earning rate: 2X restaurants and grocery ✦ 6X JetBlue ✦ 1X everywhere else
Base: 1X (1.3%)
Dine: 2X (2.6%)
Grocery: 2X (2.6%)
Brand: 6X (7.8%)
Card Info: Mastercard World Elite issued by Barclays. This card has no foreign currency conversion fees.
Big spend bonus: Earn 1 tile for every $1,000 in purchases.
Noteworthy perks: ✦ Free checked bag ✦ 5000 bonus points every anniversary ✦ 10% point rebate on awards ✦ $100 statement credit w/ purchase of travel package ✦ 50% savings on in-flight purchases

Application Tips

Barclays Application Tips

  • Get Same Card Again: Must wait at least 6 months after cancelling previous card (with some accounts Barclays requires waiting 24 months).

  • Hard inquiries are combined into 1 when approved same day. Most inquiries issued through TransUnion.

Consumer: Click here to check your application status
Business cards: Click here
If denied, call reconsideration here: (866) 408-4064

Related Cards (JetBlue)

Card Offer
70K Miles Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
70K miles after $1K in spend in 90 days and payment of annual fee.
$99 Annual Fee
Note that the landing page prompts you to enter a mobile phone number to continue the application, but you can click "no thanks" to continue the application on your desktop device.
50K Miles Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
50K bonus miles after spending $2K in first 90 days
$99 Annual Fee
Recent better offer: 50K bonus miles after spending $4K in first 90 days + additional 10K miles after a purchase is made on an employee card in the first 90 days
70K Miles + 5 tiles Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
70K miles + 5 tiles after $5K in spend in 90 days and payment of annual fee.
$499 Annual Fee
10K miles Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
10K points after $1K spend in 90 days.
No Annual Fee
Information about this card has been collected independently by Frequent Miler. The issuer did not provide the details, nor is it responsible for their accuracy.

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Looks like this 80K offer is no longer valid when you click on the above link

Joanne Hufford

Don’t waste your time on the Jetblue plus card; you won’t get the points promised, and customer service won’t help you at all. Worst customer support ever!

Alvin Care

funny the link contains preferrid=XXXXX are you sure not affliate ?

[…] Barclaycard JetBlue Plus, or JetBlue Business: Spend $50,000 and get Mosaic status which offers free changes and cancellations; free checked bags; expedited security; early boarding; free drinks; enhanced point earnings; and 15,000 bonus points upon qualifying. […]

[…] Barclaycard JetBlue Plus, or JetBlue Business: Spend $50,000 and get Mosaic status which offers free changes and cancellations; free checked bags; expedited security; early boarding; free drinks; enhanced point earnings; and 15,000 bonus points upon qualifying. […]

[…] Barclaycard JetBlue Plus, or JetBlue Business: Spend $50,000 and get Mosaic status which offers free changes and cancellations; free checked bags; expedited security; early boarding; free drinks; enhanced point earnings; and 15,000 bonus points upon qualifying. […]

[…] Barclaycard JetBlue Plus, or JetBlue Business: Spend $50,000 and get Mosaic status which offers free changes and cancellations; free checked bags; expedited security; early boarding; free drinks; enhanced point earnings; and 15,000 bonus points upon qualifying. […]


If I cancel the card before the annual fee hits, would I keep the points in my TrueBlue account?

Nick Reyes

Yes. JetBlue TrueBlue points never expire (see “Do my TrueBlue points expire” on this page:

Note that you’ll want to wait until after your statement cuts for any points you’re earning right now to post before you cancel your card.

Still Rog

Solid, thanks Nick, prompt response!

[…] members offering a rebate on award bookings: Get 15% of redeemed points back. If you have the JetBlue Plus credit card, this stacks with the 10% you normally get back by holding that card for a total […]

[…] JetBlue Plus Card […]

[…] use of Membership Rewards points, but isn’t a terrible deal, either. If you also hold a JetBlue Plus credit card, you should also receive a 10% rebate on redeemed points, increasing your per-point […]