Huntington Voice Card

Card Details and Application Link
Huntington Voice
None Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
This card no longer offers a welcome bonus.
No Annual Fee

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This is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler
FM Mini Review: With most of this card's category bonuses, you can do better with other cards. If you do find a useful category and max out the $2K spend each quarter, you'll come out only $80 ahead per year compared to using a 2% cash back card.
Earning rate: 3% cash back on up to $2K in spend in the category you choose each quarter: gas stations, travel & entertainment, restaurants, discount & warehouse stores, grocery stores, utilities & office supply stores, electronics and computer and camera stores, department and apparel and sporting good stores, auto parts & service, and home improvement stores
Base: 1%
Travel: 3%
Dine: 3%
Gas: 3%
Grocery: 3%
Shop: 3%
Office: 3%
Biz: 3%
Other: 3%
Card Info: Mastercard issued by Huntington. This card has no foreign currency conversion fees.

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[…] I’d have imagined. The best card for those who can stay under a quarterly cap is likely the Huntington Voice card (at 3% back on up to $2K per quarter in your choice of categories, which could be grocery […]