American Express wants to pay you for using your American Express card to pay your cell phone bill. Today they released a new targeted offer which gives a $10 credit when you pay $75 or more towards your cell phone bill at: AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular & Verizon.
This Amex offer can only be loaded to your card via the American Express website and it seems to be targeted. Out of my family’s nine cards, only two were targeted with the offer.
Eligible cards must be enrolled by April 14, 2015 and charges must be made with your enrolled card by July 15, 2015 to be eligible for the credit. You can receive the credit up to 3x per enrolled card.
HT: mikechu1133 on Slickdeals
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[…] Get Paid to Pay Your Cell Phone Bill […]
I’ve been getting $25 as well as $10 off each $75 Amex payment I’ve made to my (non-FIOS) Verizon phone bill. Pay $75, get $35 refunded. Had the offer on a slew of my cards. Nice that you can get the $25 promo 2x per card and the $10 3x per card.
Did you also sign up for the Fios $25 offer? Did you also get the $25 off when you paid $75 to Fios or have you only paid Verizon Wireless and somehow the $10 and $25 credits worked for that?
[…] Get Paid to Pay Your Cell Phone Bill […]
[…] Get Paid to Pay Your Cell Phone Bill […]
I get 5x points on chase ink so $221×5=1100 points. worth $11 easy isn’t it? Same value as SPG amex? I also have HH. I can get credit on more than 1 amex? is this long term?
If I were you I’d pay $75 multiple times each month and get 3x $10 discounts.
Please note the fine print:
“Limit 3 statement credits per American Express online account. Enrollment limited.”
I have the offer on my wife’s SPG and Hilton. I saved the offer to both. At first glance it seems I would be able to use the offer 6 times using both cards, but the fine print seems to say otherwise. I suppose I could remove one card from this online account and try making a new one for it, but I might lose the offer anyway. I’d be curious of your experience using both cards to pay more than 3 times total.
That is standard language that is on every Amex Offer. I have personally taken part in dozens of Amex Offers and received the credit on all enrolled accounts, even if they were linked to the same online Amex account.
I have always received it as well. I just didn’t realize this was the standard verbiage. Since this one had the x3 offer in it I decided to actually read the offer. Thanks for the heads-up.
The only one that has it is my Hilton card.
Question – has anyone ever seen an offer on an AU card when it is not on the Primary? Just wondering if I can save time by only checking AU cards if the Primary has an offer….? Thanks.
Yes this happens to me all of the time. In fact, my son’s AU Platinum card often gets targeted for offers when my primary one does not.
Darn. 0-fer on many cards and AU cards. Assume not available on Twitter (not sure what hashtag I’d even try!). From slickdeals, looks like people are getting it on their Blue and Costco cards (among some others – just feels like those are the most frequently mentioned). Not on my Costco cards. I don’t have a regular Blue card, but not on my Blue Cash Preferred.
For the record I have it on 1 of my 3 Platinums and 1 of my 4 Blues.
0-fer on my 4 Platinums
Zero for three (Plat, Blue Cash Pref., SPG).
(And by the way, how are you still getting the table-style display of offers? I’m now getting this hard-to-read horizontal slider of tiles.)
Not sure. Perhaps they are moving account over to the new interface in waves. All of my accounts still have the old interface.
I have seen the new AMEX Offers format on a friend’s account. I sure hope mine never gets switched over!
You can use the credit 3x per account as well.
Thanks for the heads up. Both my Blue and JetBlue cards had the offer. My cell phone bill is only $67 each month, however, so I’m going to have to pre-pay extra to get the credit.