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Tried to apply as a sole prop online and told to kick rocks, even though I get at least 1 mailer a week for this offer.


With over 5% interest plus brokerage bonuses, bank account bonuses no longer tempt me. When there weren’t good options these were great, but now it means pulling money out of treasuries and losing a lot of money from that. Not worth it until interest rates go way down.


15% for 60 days is not worth it to you? So…5% annually or a (simplified) 90%, and you choose 5%.

Okay. You do you.


I’ve been getting bombarded with flyers for this offer and finally applied. Completed the full application and was told to come finish it off in branch, which is absolutely not worth my time. This is for a vanilla retail arbitrage S Corp. almost ten years old exactly like at least half of us have.