
AwardWallet is a free service for keeping track of frequent flyer miles, hotel points, bank points, store loyalty programs, and more. It offers both a web site and mobile app for accessing your information. AwardWallet lets you manage both your own and your family member’s accounts. For most accounts, it will automatically update your award balances without any extra work from you.


Here are a few other cool things that I rely on AwardWallet to do:

  1. Launch sites and automatically log in: I rarely navigate directly to an airline or hotel’s website to book awards or check on reservations. Instead, I start with Award Wallet, and click the name of the program. This causes AwardWallet to launch the website and automatically log me in. Since AwardWallet keeps information for my entire family, this makes it easy to log into my own, my wife’s, or my son’s accounts, as needed.
  2. Warn me when certificates are about to expire: This is huge. Free night certificates or companion certificates earned from credit cards or promotions usually expire a year from when they were issued. AwardWallet displays the certificates and indicates the number of months until expiry. More importantly, AwardWallet proactively emails a warning letting you know if a certificate will soon expire. Even though this feature is similar to the next one, I find it more important: most points (but not all) stay alive as long as you have activity in your account. Certificates generally have a hard expiration date. And I rely on AwardWallet to let me know if I’m in danger of losing them.
  3. Point and Mile Expiration Warnings: Once, AwardWallet emailed to let me know that my son’s Alaska miles would soon expire. Good to know! I logged into the Alaska shopping portal, and clicked through to buy something I planned to buy anyway. Soon enough, the miles posted to my son’s account and reset the expiry clock.
  4. Lookup member number, ID, and password: If I need to know my (or a family member’s) loyalty account number, I open AwardWallet and check. This comes up often when enrolling in promotions. Less often, I may need to know a log-in ID and/or password. I use AwardWallet to look those up too.
  5. Let me know when points and miles increase or decrease: Every week, AwardWallet sends an email showing every program in which point balances have increased or decreased. This comes in handy when the change is not as expected, or to inform me that points from an old promotion have finally rolled in.

Get AwardWallet

If you don’t already have an AwardWallet account, please consider signing up with our link. For every 5 people who sign up, we’ll earn an upgrade coupon. That way we’ll earn upgrades to give away occasionally via this blog. Disclosure: we don’t earn any money from the referral, but if people we refer pay for upgrades to AwardWallet Plus, Greg will earn some points that can be redeemed for airline miles.

AwardWallet Plus

AwardWallet Plus is a paid upgrade to AwardWallet. It offers the following features:

Upgrade Free

If you’ve never had AwardWallet Plus before, you can upgrade for free for 6 months, as follows:

1. Make sure you have an active AwardWallet account.

Click here to signup for free

2. Click the down arrow next to your name within AwardWallet, and click “Upgrade Using a Coupon”


3. Enter: FrequentMiler (this will only work for those who have never upgraded before)


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I can’t find the option to use the code fir 6 months free .

[…] Award Wallet is a tool for tracking points and miles balances that I absolutely loved when I first used it years ago, but I have to admit that I had allowed it to fall out of date — many of my passwords were not kept up over time and when I pulled up the app in preparation for this post, I realized that there are programs I haven’t added to it in which I have or have had significant balances. I’ve since gone through and updated and added programs. […]

[…] program, you may be surprised.  Take a minute to sign up.  Then add the your new account to Award Wallet in order to keep track of your […]