IHG: Get 500 points free when downloading app & logging in


IHG is again running a promotion which offers 500 free IHG One Rewards points when downloading their app and logging in.

IHG One Rewards 500 free points app download

The Deal

Key Terms

  • To participate in the “App Download Bonus Offer” promotion (the “Promotion”), an individual must have an active valid IHG One Rewards member account.
  • The member must first register their member number or email associated with their IHG One Rewards account to be eligible for the Promotion. Once a member has registered, the member can earn 500 IHG One Rewards bonus points after downloading the IHG app and using the app to sign in to their IHG One Rewards account.
  • Registration and completion of the download and sign-in must occur by June 30, 2025, subject to IHG’s right to end the registration period sooner if deemed necessary by IHG because of irregularities or other issues relating to the Promotion. If registration for the Promotion has been closed or deactivated, it means the Promotion has ended.
  • This promotional offer can only be redeemed once per member, and a maximum of 500 IHG One Rewards bonus points can be achieved. The time needed for awarding points can vary with each promotion, so please allow up to 6 weeks for the bonus points to be posted to the recipient’s member account. The Promotion is valid for first time app downloads only.

Quick Thoughts

This is an easy win if you’ve never participated in this promotion in the past. While 500 points are only worth ~$2.50, it’s a nice little bonus for a couple of minutes work, especially seeing as it’ll extend the life of your points if you haven’t had qualifying activity in some time and don’t have status and/or an IHG credit card.

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[…] After registering here and then logging into the IHG Rewards mobile app, you’ll earn 500 bonus points, assuming you didn’t do the last iteration of this promotion.Yes, this is only worth about $2.50, but the hourly rate is still (maybe) over the line if you’ve already got the app downloaded. (Thanks to FM) […]


500 pts = $2 with the recent IHG devaluations


Is this a “new” promotion or the same one that’s been going on since last fall? I already tried to older one.


Tried to register but got an error.
The code you entered is invalid for your membership. Please check the qualification requirements for your country, region or programme. For further assistance please visit the IHG® Rewards Club Customer Care Centre page.


Same here. I also tried changing the URL to “…us/en/deals…” (Stephen’s link is “…gb/en/deals…”) in case it was an issue of IP address not matching the country. The US page loads but the error is the same.


Same for a family member.


Just FYI – I did all this right when you posted this (and had never installed the app before) and never got the points.
(Neither my wife or I got the Capital One Shopping $200 from a while back, either.)


I went through the steps and the points are not showing up in my account. It has been a few days. Does it matter that I already had to app installed?


The link is not working