Card Details and Application Link |
Rocket Mortgage Visa $200 Statement Credit Non-AffiliateThis is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler $200 statement credit with $3k spend in the first 90 days$95 Annual Fee Click here to learn how to apply This is NOT an affiliate offer. We always present the best offer even when it means less revenue for Frequent Miler FM Mini Review: By means of "Rocket Points" this is really a 1.25%-5% cashback card. Could be useful to build some cash towards a down payment, lackluster otherwise. Earning rate: 5x Rocket Points everywhere Base: 1.25% Card Info: Visa Signature issued by Celtic. This card has no foreign currency conversion fees. Noteworthy perks: Points can be redeemed towards down payment or closing costs at 5% cash back value ($8,000 max per loan), towards Rocket Mortgage principal at 2% cash back value or towards statement credits at 1.25% cash back value |