Stockpile is a small app-based brokerage that offers a simplistic system to invest in popular stocks / bonds / ETFs. Doctor of Credit reports that they are no longer charging any trading fees, eliminating even credit or debit card loading fees altogether. Proceed with caution, but this is certainly interesting for as long as it lasts.
Quick Thoughts
A couple of quick tidbits I’ve picked up about Stockpile:
- Trades are not instant but rather are performed at the closing price. In other words, you can put in a buy order during the day, but it won’t be confirmed immediately. This makes Stockpile a poor option for volatile investments.
- Some data points indicate accounts being locked up for those who move a lot of money in/out, others report no issue. YMMV, but don’t invest more than you can float.
Stockpile sells gift cards on its site and at various retailers or your account can be loaded directly with a debit card.
The key here for rewards enthusiasts would be investing in something with low volatility. Regular investors can probably think of things that fit the bill. Whatever fluctuation in price between when you put in your buy order and when it is executed is effectively your cost to earn rewards. The limit here is apparently $10,000 per day. I can’t see this lasting for long. I also see potential for accounts getting locked up for “security reasons”, so I would recommend not getting into this deeper than you can afford to float if it takes a while to access your balance.
I think that most people who invest regularly will find the Stockpile platform and system unappealing, but the additional funding options here are interesting for as long as they last. Note that I ran into issues setting up accounts for both Player 1 and Player 2 in my household, so I haven’t actually participated. I have to imagine that this won’t last long, but if you’re working on an intro bonus, this could be a good way to hit it. Note that they do not take Amex cards. I am not aware of any issuers coding this as a cash advance yet, but YMMV.
H/T: Doctor of Credit

hey guys! just an FYI – they transitioned to a paid model and I paid the $19.95 ‘lifetime’ fee. However, I need to update my bank account in their app and they have no way to do so. I have been unable to contact anyone in their support team for over a week after sending multiple messages and even emailing their email support. So buyer beware here.
Interesting that they blacklist certain banks too. Some of these could be anti-MS but also includes many legit. banks like Truist. Wonder why?
Banks that do not link with StockpileKeywords: Bank, Link, ACH, invalid, cash, transfer, chime, bancorp, green dot, prepaid
Written by Stockpile Support
Updated over a week ago
There are some banks that will not link successfully to your Stockpile account. While we try to make our bank list as extensive as possible there are some that just don’t work or don’t meet our criteria.
Routing Number – Bank Name
124071889 – American Express Centurion Bank
031101169 – Bancorp, NetSpend Bank
031101179 – Bancorp, NetSpend Bank
114924742 – Bancorp, NetSpend Bank, PayPal
121000248 – Wells Fargo Commercial
031101169 – Chime Bank (we do link with Chime’s 103100195 routing number)
061120084 – First Century Bank, N.A., Payoneer
124085024 – GE Money Bank
124303162 – GoBank Division of Green Dot Bank
124085024 – Green Dot Bank (Pasadena)
124302529 – Green Dot Bank (Provo)
124303120 – Green Dot Bank (Bonneville Bank)
061120000 – Green Dot Bank, (Synovus)
084003997 – MetaBank, (Memphis)
073972181 – MetaBank, (Sioux Falls, SD)
021409169 – RushCard (JPM Chase)
062202985 – Metropolitan Commercial Bank
026014902 – Metropolitan Commercial Bank
101019084 – Central Bank of Kansas City
253279031 – Allsouth Federal Credit Union
275982801 – Community First Credit Union
263191387 – Truist Bank
If your bank is not included on this list then click here and follow the instructions for linking your bank account.
[…] 用信用卡买股票GC居然能0手续费,这是个 too good to be true 的玩卡工具!鉴于除了本博客和论坛之外,DoC和FM等各大美国博客也都有介绍,现在这种0手续费且限制很少的状况怕是维持不了几天。Enjoy it while it lasts! […]
What are some examples of gift cards that can successfully be used as funding sources?
This didn’t last long: Thanks for reaching out to us, I can help you out with this. We recently updated some of our terms and conditions, and are now no longer accepting credit cards as a payment option for Stock.
Doesn’t appear that you can buy gift cards with a credit card either?
I’m confused by the part where you only say an account can be loaded directly with a debit card. Can you load via credit, or not?
You have to buy a gift card with a credit card first (no AMEX).
more GME here I come
Just like Brex, this is a great way to blow VC money to get a large number of new signups. BTW, how soon after signing up does the account go “live”? I signed up and tried to buy egift cards and I got an error saying my account is not approved yet. I have successfully linked a bank account.
FM kills another avenue..
How are they killing it, it’s already widely posted about
well bec FM is one of them dam bloggers who wont tell how real MS works , I need to be fed all the good stuff wont you know?
LOL. DoC posted about this almost 24hrs ago and other blogs reported it earlier. No reason to keep it from our readers at this point.
Any thoughts about whether VCG’s from SM could be used to fund these accounts?
no, they won’t work. Not Metabanks.
Sadly the more people rush into this with no plan and don’t pay attention and don’t use caution, will end up screwing this up and ruining it for everyone else.