Targeted 175K Business Platinum offer with no lifetime language


The referral offers giving 250,000 bonus Membership Rewards points for a new Amex Business Platinum card died a couple of days ago, but some cardholders are being targeted with a new offer where you can earn 175,000 bonus points for a Business Platinum. Even better is the fact that this offer has no lifetime language, so if you’re targeted then you can get the bonus even if you have/have had a Business Platinum card before.

Amex Business Platinum NLL 175,000 point offer

The Deal

Quick Thoughts

This bonus obviously isn’t as high as the referral offer that had been available for months until just a few days ago. However, what it does have going for it – if you’re targeted – is that it has no lifetime language.

After clicking the ‘Apply Now’ button on the offer page linked to above, you’ll be prompted to log in to your account. If it says ‘This offer is no longer available. If you’d still like to apply for a Business Card from American Express click here’, that sadly means that you’re not targeted.

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Offer no longer available.


I know. I like to leave a DP where possible.


Thank you!! I got it and I’ve had the card before


20k spend in 90 days,doable but is it worth the stress?


Federal tax (over)payment.