Valid through: December 31 2013
TopCashBack has raised the cash back rate on Amex Gift cards to 3% through the rest of this year! BigCrumbs is currently still offering 1.75% cash back.
Even though both portals claim that you cannot use a coupon code not found on their site, I’ve had luck earning cash back with both portals despite using codes. Most recently I’ve successfully used code HOLIDAYPBD for business gift cards HOLIDAYCC4 to waive gift card fees (but some readers have not been able to get this to work YMMV). You’ll still have to pay for shipping, but you could get that waived too by signing up for a free trial of their $99 unlimited shipping option.
BEWARE of credit cards that charge cash advance fees for these purposes. The latest reports show that Chase and American Express credit cards are safe, as well as Barclays Arrival World MasterCard. There have been reports of cash advance fees charged by Citibank, and US Bank. Your mileage may vary. Results may change at any time. The best way that I know of to protect yourself is to get your cash advance limit lowered as far as possible, then make sure your gift card purchases are greater than that amount.
Signup links for both TopCashBack and BigCrumbs can be found on my Sign-up Links Page.
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My amount of $269.52 just moved to the confirmed column. This is my first time using them… I assumed that’s a good sign.
No codes seem to be working for Personal cards even though they say “accepted” (which in past orders meant success). And I am getting charged twice for delivery ($9.95 – one for each card).
Ordered a biz card a few days ago and promos worked and only paid $8.95 for $5K order
Mine shows “Pending $119.76” right now after purchasing $4,000. Will it generally post when showing a pending amount? This is my first time using TCB. Thank you!
Estimated payable says 14 weeks.
Yes, that’s a very good sign. Usually if an amount is pending it will eventually move to payable.
I found this code that takes 50% of the fee off. 50PFAFL. I went ahead and ordered a $25 card and will see what happens from TCB. Please let me know if you know of any that give 100% off.
TCB sent me the email and it has a pending amount of $.69. It should have been $.75.
I tried codes EMSVCA and HOLIDAYCC4 for the business card but neither take off the card fee. Do you know of a code that will take the fee off for the business cards?
Try HOLIDAYPBD for business cards. Good thru Jan 31 according to the email Amex sent me urging me to buy their business gcs.
Dropped the $7.90 purchase fees from my $5K order ($3K plus $2K gcs).
Thanks! That worked for me too
The last time this was running (at the lower rate) I bought 6x 500 cards and topcashback never credited it. I put in a claim, which apparently can take almost forever.
Have you had any experience with that?
I haven’t had that happen to me, but yes others have reported that happening. Sometimes the claims can take a very long time to process, but they’re usually successful in the long run.
I recall there was an issue with Chase categorizing as cash advance. Is this still an unknown?
That was corrected. See this post:
Does $3000 face value GC work?
You can order $3000 gift cards by ordering personalized cards (otherwise the site only lets you get up to $500). In the past readers have said that they received cash back when doing so, but I’m not sure that it still the case.
Terms state: Please note; there is a limit of $500 per gift card, anything higher will not be eligible for cashback.
I have always got full credit on 2500 cards in the past for any promo!