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Just signed up for the basic silver checking, was approved, and was allowed to fund with $3,000 via credit card! This was all online on a Sunday.

Last edited 10 months ago by GemGal

I was able to fund $3,000 with a credit card. Does that funding count towards the $5,000 or do I need to deposit an additional $5,000?

Vaibhav Shetge

Did you open in branch or online? I stopped by at a branch and was told they take only cash/cheque..


opened online and was able to fund 3k.with chase Marriott credit card Opened Friday and approved today.


“Deposit $5,000 or $25,000 in new money within 30 days of account opening and *maintain at least that balance for 60 days* after opening the account.”

I dunno, that sounds like you need to keep the money in for 60 days regardless of when it’s deposited


Heads up, your application may glitch out after you hit the final submit button. Apparently they’re updating their site and it’s a known issue. The applications are still going through and in my case show up under my existing accounts, but there’s no option to do the initial funding when applying. The rep said I should receive an email in a couple days that will allow me to select how I want to do the initial funding, including the option to fund via CC.


What caught my eye in Dr of Credit’s post on this is you can load up to $3K on credit card. Do you know if that’s possible?


Did this in 2023 and funded 3k with Chase Visa.


Did it last week for 3k


Did it on feb 11 for $3,000 as well.


Would the 3k count towards qualifying spend for a CC sign up bonus?


Tim, can you check the numbers again? The article’s numbers are all over the place, is it $25,000 or $15,000, is it $500 or $350, and is it $800 or $750?