Via Twitter, @Ringsthecaddy tweeted a photo of a CVS memo saying that reloadable debit cards are moving to cash only. The photo shows a list of reload cards (including Vanilla Reloads) and swipe reload cards (including Amex) that will be cash only for reloads “as of 3/31”:
There are many questions that remain unanswered:
- Is this real? It appears to be, but you never know. My bet is yes.
- Is it nationwide or regional? I visited quite a few CVS stores today, but none had heard of the memo. That doesn’t prove anything though. It’s not unusual for corporate communication to take a while to filter down to individual stores and cashiers. I’d estimate a 50% probability that this is regional.
- When is the cutoff date/time? The memo says “As of 3/31”, but doesn’t list a time. Maybe transactions Monday morning will require cash or maybe the switchover will be late at night. Or, maybe somewhere in between. My guess is that we’ll still be able to use credit cards on Monday morning, but its really just a guess.
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I bought 2 today
I went to two different CVS stores today. At the first one, the girl called another clerk over and said, “Look at this.” She didn’t tell me what was on the screen and went ahead and processed mine with a cc. At the second store, the guy told me it was cash only. He showed me the pop up on his screen. It said cash or a prepaid card only. I pleaded with him to just try it with credit as I had purchased one earlier in the day at another store and it worked. He agreed and I thanked him profusely.
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ugh, rule #1, never call! Best way to kill a deal.
yeah, CVS is going to change its policy because of this one phone call.
LMAO. Some people really are too paranoid. Either way, joke or not, the ride was bound to end at some point.
Let’s hope I’m wrong.
Actually, I agree with Squeezer. You can say it’s one call, but if a ton of people call CVS over this issue, then it will draw attention to itself. I have a feeling that either CVS or Ringsthecaddy did this as an April Fool’s Day joke, and CVS hasn’t gone cash only.
I called the manager of the CVS where I purchase my VRs (this is in Atlanta), and she said she’d heard nothing about a change, and to the best of her knowledge, credit card purchases would continue. I HOPE she’s right and I will be allowed to load up on VRs with plastic on 4/1!