This morning I reported a deal to get one year of Shop Your Way Max for only $9.99: Sears / Kmart free shipping for one year, for only $9.99! YMMV.
I decided that it was worth extending my subscription by a year, so I tried purchasing the deal. During checkout, I clicked “apply my Shop Your Way coupons” and selected each one to see if any applied to this order.
Surprisingly, the system accepted the coupon titled “VIP excusive – For a limited time, enjoy a year of free 2-day shipping for only $19 (50% savings).”
And, in my cart, the system had zeroed out the price for Shop Your Way Max entirely. I wasn’t able to checkout with a zero cost so I added a $3 pickup in store item and checked out. My account now shows an extra year of SYW Max shipping eligibility!
Never miss a Quick Deal, Subscribe here.
Instead of doing a cart filler, you can pay for all but a penny with your SWY rewards, and just pay a penny with your credit card, that worked for me.
[…] FREE Shop Your Way Max: Free shipping for 1 year with Sears / Kmart for SYW elite members. Very YMMV… […]
BTW, if you need something in your cart to checkout (it won’t allow checkout with only the SYWR MAX offer), you can add a $0.39 ruler.
After your first post this morning, I checked my account and it wouldn’t let me buy the $10 MAX since I already have a free account.
Then I saw the second post… That link worked to put the $10 Max in my cart.
I had $23 in SYW points expiring in a few days. With the $10 Max in my cart, it applied my points to make it free, but wouldn’t let me check out.
I need a new yoga mat anyway. So I added a $20 one to my cart, applied the $23 SYW pts. My total was $6 and change for both the yoga mat and the MAX extension after my points.
Nice catch FM. I had to wait for the Kmart banner to see the $9.99 and then I added that SYYR coupon that was there forever in my account since I was never going to pay for MAX. Then I decided to buy the Trio Stealth G2 tablet for about $60 after SYYR; should break even on Ebay. There’s not a nearby Kmart for me to do a quick pickup item that’s why.
I’ve got another membership (I currently have one) with a $10 sears gift card for $10 total. Does it just extends your membership by 1 year with 3k points each month? How about buying 10 or 20 then?
I just tried to buy another but it wouldn’t let me. YMMV
I had an existing account, but the login email accounts btw Kmart and SMW didn’t match and it wouldn’t let me proceed. So signed up with another SMW account and it gave me a year of SMW MAX for free.