Welcome to the new Frequent Miler Week In Review series. Every Saturday we recap what you might have missed from Frequent Miler during the week and bring you some of the best posts from around the web. Enjoy!
This Week From Frequent Miler
The best card for reloading REDbird – Which card is best to load REDbird varies according to your individual goals.
5X ThankYou offer returns… sort of – Generous retention offers on the Citi ThankYou Preferred have brought back the ability to earn 5x on the card.
Preparing for 100 miles per dollar – How a new Amex Offer may make it possible to earn 100 points per dollar at 1-800 Flowers.
30,000 miles to nowhere: My 4 mile buffer and a contingency plan – Update on mileage running towards elite status and how accurate Great Circle Mapper’s calculations are.
An awesome new 5X (and beyond) game. Let’s play… – A popular chain has started selling variable Visa cards which may open up to door to beyond 5x earning.
Bet You Didn’t Know: Access the US Airways upgrade list by app and web – Accessing the US Airways upgrade list a variety of ways.
Discover’s National Car Rental certificates – Strategy and tips for using National car rental certificates.
This Week Around the Web
The CURewards Flight Award Chart And Where To Find Value – Which CURewards card is best and more details about the popular credit union rewards program.
Clinkle Treats Prepaid Rewards Debit Card – Loadable With Credit + Debit – Prepaid debit card with a different way of earning rewards.
The Battle of the All in One Cards – Coin, Plastc, and Wallaby – Comparison of three credit card replacement technologies coming to market.
Can you REALLY Hide Manufactured Spend from your Credit Report? – What shows up on your credit report even if you pay your bill off before your statement prints.
It Worked…AA Award Flight Redeposited Fee Free After Blizzard Date Switch – Rebooking an award flight in anticipation of the original flight being cancelled.
Travelpony Discounts Exposed – How Their Advertised Savings Don’t Materialize in a Real World Comparison – Truth about the actual savings realized when booking with Travelpony.
Should all manufactured spend go through American Express gift cards? – A look at the math behind this popular way of manufacturing spend.
Have a great weekend!