As you may recall, the Chase Sapphire Reserve set the credit card world on fire this past fall with it’s colossal 100K Ultimate Rewards sign-up bonus and slew of valuable benefits. The online offer for that card has since decreased to only 50K bonus points, but the 100K point offer has still been available when applying in-branch directly with a banker. That in-branch offer ends this week (either March 11th or 12th, it may vary by branch) and there may be new hope for those who were previously denied.
The 5/24 rule and pre-approvals
Unfortunately for many, the Sapphire Reserve has been subject to Chase’s 5/24 rule, meaning that those who have opened 5 or more new accounts in the past 24 months would typically be denied. No amount of sweet-talking on a reconsideration call could reverse that decision. However, as Frequent Miler wrote about in the guide to getting approved for the Sapphire Reserve, some people were able to get approved despite having opened more than 5 new accounts if Chase’s computer system showed a pre-approval for the card. Unfortunately, many people found that they were not pre-approved.
A new glimmer of hope
For those who were previously denied or have not seen a pre-approval offer, there may be a glimmer of new hope: Adam, from Point me to the Plane, reports that he was approved yesterday despite being over 5/24, having been denied for the Sapphire Reserve this past December, and not technically having a pre-approval offer for the Sapphire Reserve
As you can read about in his post, it seems that pre-approval links for this card may have disappeared from the Chase system. The key may be to check the way pre-approval offers are displayed. Cards shaded in green may indicate pre-approval. Adam reports that while there was not a pre-approval link for the Sapphire Reserve (as there had been for other pre-approved offers), the card was shaded green like those that did have pre-approval links. Based on that, he applied and was approved despite the system not technically showing a pre-approval.
Based on his conversation with a banker, it seems that the green shading on the offer may indicate a likelihood of approval. Hence, if you make the trip to a branch (or get a banker to talk to you about it over the phone), you may want to push further to see if the card is shaded in green. If it is, it may be worth a gamble even if you are over 5/24 — though that decision is ultimate yours and your results may vary.

I went in branch today and applied and was approved. When I asked when the 100K offer ends, they said they have not been notified that it is ending at all and they don’t know. I took a picture of the big laminated card with the info on it and it doesn’t have an expiration date but it has an issue date of 1/13/2017. I sent the pic to greg at frequent miler dot net for your reference 🙂
No pre-qual and no green shading for CSR for me in branch. Pre-qual for CSP, FU and United. Applied and approved for a $18,800 CL which is high for me.
Nice! Congrats!
Were you over 5/24?
WAY over 5/24.
I got it! I suspect that the people you talked with simply didn’t know about the end date of the 100K promotion, but it would be great if I’m wrong! Congrats on your approval!
Just adding a data point. Called Chase branch today and asked if I was approved for CSR. Answer: pre-approval links have been removed from that card. Asked if the card showed shaded in green. Answer: it didn’t even show up under offers.
I decided to go into the branch anyway to apply. Met with the Branch Manager, provided details and submitted request. Application came back as pending. Branch Manager called recon and explained he had me in branch and would like them to evaluate the pending application. He put me on the phone and the rep asked if I would be willing to move credit from other Chase cards. I was more than happy to comply. After about 3 minutes, he came back and advised I was approved.
I am currently at 5/24, but one of those is a Chase business card. Previously I saw those were being included in the count, so I’m not sure if it was not counted or if the 5/24 was ignored in this case.
I have a CSR question as well. I like in Baltimore and there aren’t any Chase branches within 200 miles of me. Is it possible to apply at a branch via phone!!??
No, this is not possible. You need to apply in person at a branch.
I’m going to see my banker Friday and apply for my pre-approved CSP, but I’ll check to see if the CSR is green shaded first. I’m way over 5/24, probably 16/24.
Just got declined for CSR. Chase is counting a rolling credit line against me as part of my 5/24. I’ve talked with 3 different reps in lending and they refuse to budge. They were all very clear that it’s not credit score/income related, but called it a “policy decline” due to 5/24. Without the credit line account I would be at 4/24 with the last one dropping off about a month ago. Frustrating. Anybody have any other ideas?
P.S this all came after I applied in-branch after the banker showed me I was pre-approved for CSP. I asked the rep today if I could potentially be declined on a pre-approved offer then? After the preliminary “she/he’s not a credit consultant blah-blah, she admitted that, yes, I could potentially be declined on a pre-approved offer. I’m still trying to understand that one…
This is not new. I got the CSR in this same way , when it was introduced. I was pre approved for all other cards except CSR. CSR didnt even show in any green color.
I went ahead and applied. Called recon – straight denial . Told them , since i was pre approved for other cards , i applied for this card and ready to move credit limits from other cards . It worked out and in the same call – APPROVED
not trying to an a$$ but what you did is completely different from what adam did. thanks for the DP tho.
i dont know how it is different ? I was also way over 5/24 during that time.
it’s different because it seems like he was pre-approved with the green color and was instantly approved and didn’t have to recon. i’m sure there are other DPs like you but i’ve seen way more people get declined and didn’t have success with recon being over 5/24 and this is the first DP i’ve seen of the green color and being approved instantly.
I cannot see anywhere how to find pre-approvals. I asked in branch and was told they don’t exist anymore. I am a CPC but still nothing. I am at many over 5/24, more like 20/24 now.
How come I cannot see these? Possibly because I can’t upgrade to the newer interface?
Did you ask about all pre-approvals, or just the Sapphire Reserve? Did the branch tell you that pre-approvals don’t exist for any cards, or pre-approvals don’t exist for the Sapphire Reserve?
You won’t find these pre-approvals yourself, a banker will need to search for you in-branch.
According to what Adam wrote about his experience yesterday, it sounds like he just asked if he had any pre-approvals. His banker also reported that pre-approval links for the CSR disappeared several weeks ago. On the banker’s computer screen, the cards with pre-approval links were shaded green. There was no pre-approval link for the CSR, but the card was also shaded green, so he tried it and was successful.
It sounds like you’ll need to ask if a banker can look for any pre-approvals for you and then ask if the CSR is also shaded green on the page with your pre-approvals.
Note: Adam was 6/24. I have no idea if that made a difference vs 20/24, but it may. You may be able to get a banker to look at and discuss your pre-approvals over the phone if you have a relationship with them, but YMMV.