A prediction half right


With Valentine’s Day over, I was eager to see if the online shopping portals made any changes.  Last night I made the following predictions:

My guess is that nothing will change for a few days. The shopping portal admins will forget to take down the Valentine’s Day displays. After a few days, we’ll see the references to Valentine’s Day start to disappear, but with no major promotions to replace them until, maybe, March 1.

After checking out 5 or 6 shopping portals, I’d say I was about half right.  I was wrong in guessing that the Valentine’s Day displays would still be there – they do seem to have disappeared.  I think I was right, though, in saying that there will be no major promotions (at least right away).  For the portals and merchants I spot checked, I didn’t see any obvious big changes.  Did you?

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Greg The Frequent Miler
Greg is the owner, founder, and primary author of the Frequent Miler. He earns millions of points and miles each year, mostly without flying, and dedicates this blog to teaching others how to do the same.
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From a marketing point of view, I suspect that no current promotion is probably better than an obviously stale promotion. Nothing suggests – nothing. Stale suggests that they are not paying attention. Congratulations on achieving at least 50 percent. I would have guessed a bit less.