Amazing Amex Offers are actually posting for some


Earlier this week, some people found some unbelievable Amex Offers for things like “Spend $1,000, get $1,000 back up to 3 times” or in some cases it was even better, like spend $3,000 and get $5,500 back. When we first saw these offers, I wondered whether they were legitimate and even then I thought they were likely intended to be offers for extra points rather than dollars back. However, credits are posting from these offers. If you were lucky enough to be targeted with one of these, enjoy your bonanza….for now.

a woman playing slot machine

Danny the Deal Guru posted this deal a few days ago and updates today with some examples of Amex actually issuing these credits. It is truly unbelievable – imagine the spending spree you could do for free!

That said, I can see the point made by Mark Ostermann at Miles to Memories in that it can be tough to outrun the long claw of the American Express Rewards Abuse Team.

a close up of a credit card

We have seen Amex exhibit a willingness to claw things back far down the road, even sometimes on cards that have been closed for months (Amex has sent some people bills for clawbacks on closed cards!).

That said, in this case, I imagine that those who were targeted have taken copious screen shots of the offer and the fact that it was added to their card along with the last few digits and those folks have likely also taken screen shots of the credits posting. While I’d be hesitant to go out and splurge on Super Bowl tickets or something else completely nonrefundable if this goes sideways, I feel like there is a decent leg upon which to stand if Amex tries to take this back.

Personally, I would be surprised if at the very least Amex doesn’t “fix” this for those who haven’t yet used the offer. While as I said above I think there’s a chance that this could stick for those who complete it quickly, it is far from guaranteed. I certainly could envision a scenario where Amex at least tries to take the money back here, so proceed with caution. Best of luck to those who were targeted and who are receiving the credits.

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Spend $8,500 in 1-shot and get 8,500 points x3. Uh… no.


Wow spend 1500 and get 1500 points 3x

I’ll pass

herp dederp

AmEx does not think I need money, but am in fact terrifically deformed and rent rooms by the hour; nothing but makeup and hotel offers.


Meanwhile my wireless credits won’t even post

Marcia Morris

You have to pay using the App now for them to post.


Womp, womp

Wow — targeted with a measly 3,000 MR with $11k spend 3X.

But honestly I can’t complain.

I added up the dollar value of the offers on the $4,200 in AF on all the Amex we have paid since May 2020. It’s was over $20K

Between Stimulus check’s and Amex offers it been very lucrative.

Just kicking myself I didn’t jump on the SimplyMiles when y’all first posted.

Same thing happened to me with the GoogleFi Pixel Black Friday deal which Google ended early (while I was checking out minutes late).

That said I’m thankful for all the Free cheese and trips – that the card issuers have subsided over the years.

Last edited 3 years ago by YoniPDX



no luck for me. Just checked all cards. : (