Several readers alerted me to this one. If you have one of the American Express Prepaid cards that I wrote about in the post “One card to rule them all” you should see this notice when you log into your prepaid account:
If you owned your prepaid card by May 31, 2012, you will be eligible to receive a free $25 gift card once you load $200 or more onto the card between June 1 and June 30. Here are the terms & conditions:
Even if you have been unable to find reload cards for sale at Office Depot, it may be worth loading $200 to the card from your bank account. It’s like getting 12.5% interest on your deposit. Not bad!

Are there NO nyc Office Depot locations that sell the Vanilla Reloads? I keep seeing ‘the’ nyc store, but aren’t there more than 1?
jo: That’s what I’ve been told (none in NYC)
Can you buy Vanilla Reload packs in NJ Office Depot?
BigRedBears: No, not in NJ
@Grant, sounds like Siri thought you were talking about some different card from the very “green” part of California, ha!
*reload history. Silly Siri
Very interesting point, I will check my weed loaded history.
There’s also a limit of $1000 per day. Actually 24 hour period.
I’ve verified this.
Is this offer good only once or every time you load at least $200?
My card is at $2,039.23 and when I try to load a $460 card through Vanilla Reload I get an error message. I know $2,500 is the limit for the card, so maybe it is trying to load the $640 + $25 and rejecting it because my card will have too much loaded. Anyone else have problems like this?
Grant Thomas: I believe it is only once per prepaid card. Also note that the $25 doesn’t go onto your prepaid card — you get it as a separate gift card. The problem you are probably having is that there is a $2500 card limit for the month (rolling 28 days I think one reader said). So, if you’ve loaded $2500 in the past 28 days (even though you don’t have that much now), it won’t let you load more just yet.
[…] American Express loves to give us money […]
I signed up for 4 of the pre-paid cards a while back (2 for me +2 for wifey) so must dig them out and collect – love Amex and there never ending offers – thanks for the heads up!
I loaded a $500 vanilla reload card last night but did not notice the free $25 gift card offer. Do you think an external load from the vanilla website will qualify for the gift card or do I have to perform the load transaction on the Amex site?
I got a permanent AMEX prepaid card in late May, uploaded it for $2500 using Vanilla Reload packs. Am I correct, that I have to reload my card (for example, using $500 Reload pack) in June and I automatically get $25 prepaid card?
Sergey: Yes, that’s correct as I understand it.
NerdTraveler: I believe it will qualify
Quickroute: Yep, definitely dig them out!
Does anybody have an experience with MoneyPack reload? I see that AMEX prepaid card can be reloaded using MoneyPack, which can be found in 7-11, Walgreens. I was wondering if 7-11 allows to purchase MoneyPack using a credit card. Next Q3 for Chase Freedom, 5% bonus is gas station, so if 7-11 allows buying MoneyPack using CC, it is a good deal.
Good, friggin grief, Miler, it is there when I log in. I am heading to Fargo again next week; hope they still have them!
Just got my permanent pre-paid card in the mail and loaded it up with $1500 today. Noticed this deal when I logged in to register the permanent card. Amex certainly does love giving away free money, $25 at a time!
Curtis: That’s great!
THEsocalledfan: Good luck!
Sergey: I haven’t found any place that will let you use a credit card to buy MoneyPacks. Let me know if you find a place.
I don’t get the same T&C. For me, its on new prepaid card purchases and loading min $200. Is this targeted?