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I wonder if this would work to trigger the $400 capital one bonus. There are very few DPS about capital one and this sounds like it works more broadly than a regular ACH. Though I could be misunderstanding and so-fi it’s just one of the methods for HSBC in particular

Loren M

I did something similar for the HSBC bonus. I didn’t have any accounts where transfers counted for the bonus so I opened a Chase checking and savings account for $500 total to help me earn the HSBC $600 bonus. Worked perfectly!

Last edited 4 years ago by Loren M

Interesting for sure. This might be a great way to hit some of those bonuses for banks with few “DD” options like BOA.


What are the credit score impacts of the loan? Imagine it would be greater than a CC in the short term bc it would show a large balance.


Exactly. I’m assuming there is a HP for the loan and then it’s a balance that will hurt your credit score. This might be helpful for some in the long run because some don’t have different types of credit but I already have installment loans (3 mortgages and a car payment). If this does t affect your credit at all then it is a great way to open an account and pay with someone else’s money.


I like it! Very creative and clever. My concern would be the dreaded slippery slope for some less disciplined people. It isn’t free money, after all, it’s a loan. This idea suggests that carrying a balance for a short time can be profitable, however, only if it is promptly repaid.