You might not like paying taxes, but when you pay taxes via credit card can be quite rewarding. The key is to earn credit card rewards that more than offset tax payment fees. For...
Whether in blog comments, emails, our Facebook group, or our monthly Ask Us Anything (this month's edition is pushed out to next week because of the holiday today), readers often ask us what we think...
At the start of 2024, all five members of the Frequent Miler team looked into our crystal ball to determine what the coming year would bring us, particularly with regards to points, miles, hotels,...
On last week's Frequent Miler on the Air, Greg and Nick announced their picks for the 2024 Deal of the Year. The fellas parsed through all of the terrific opportunities in points and miles...
It's the last weekend of the 2024 and we're taking time to reflect on what's really important...points and miles. This week on the blog we waxed poetic about our favorite hotels of 2024, talked...
The American Express Business Gold card changed a lot over the last year. Its 4x categories have been revamped, new annual business credits added and the annual fee increased by $80. The combination of...
2024 was an excellent year for Frequent Miler, and so it's fun to look back to see which blog posts, videos, and podcasts were most popular. Here we go...
Top 10 New Posts in 2024
This is the moment you've been waiting for! On last week's Frequent Miler on the Air, Greg and Nick announced their picks for the 2024 Bonvoyed Awards.
Now it's your turn. In the poll below,...
Since 2022 I've been publishing annual "state of the business" posts detailing how Frequent Miler has been doing in terms of blog readers, podcast listeners, revenue, etc. Now, once again, here's your chance to...
The Frequent Miler team isn't just sitting around earning miles and signing up for new credit cards. Ok, we are. But we don't just do that. We also travel a lot. Between all of...
Over the years, I have had a good deal of success with bank account bonuses. One of the reasons I love bank bonuses is because they provide the flexibility to buy points if and...
The US Bank Smartly card certainly looks pretty smart, but is it the new best no-annual-fee rewards card? Ever wonder how to apply Hyatt Suite upgrade awards, or whether you should transfer your Citi...
This week's coffee break discussion about the pretty incredible US Bank Smartly Card got me to wondering: What's the best no annual fee credit card? If you asked that question of ten different points...
Many Preferred Hotels, but not all, can be booked with points. Of those, some can be booked with Preferred Hotels' own I Prefer points, some can be booked with Choice points, and some can...