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OfficeMax Hotel Savings

Until July 28 (Saturday), OfficeMax is offering a $50 hotel cash card when you make a purchase of $175 or more. The cash card has some restrictions: Your hotel must be...

Ink Plus now publicly available!

For quite a while Chase has offered another Ink business card besides the publicly available Ink Bold, Ink Classic, and Ink Cash.  The Ink Plus was available only to people who received targeted offers....

I get by (and to Alaska) with a little help from my friends

In my recent post “Where to?” I mentioned that my family had scrapped plans for Paris in favor of either an Alaskan cruise or a first class trip to Hong Kong.  Well, the Hong...

How to spend $10,000 in three months, and earn 90K Ultimate Rewards along the...

We’ve all been there.  We get excited about a credit card signup offer… or two… or three…  Next thing we know, we have card(s) in hand, but have to figure out how to spend...

Breaking News: Today only buy Target gift cards 10% off!

Put a $100 gift card in your basket and checkout.  With an electronic gift card, you should see this: And then on the checkout screen, you’ll see this: If you read Frequent...

Delta 40X: Leveraging the deal

Last Friday, The Traveler’s Loophole reported “Earn 40 Delta Skymiles per dollar for Pet Supplies ~ Awesome Deal!”   Then, on Monday, Deal’s We Like reported “Deal Alert: Get 40x Delta Miles at PetCareRX!!!”  Yes,...

New Citi card revealed

On Friday, I wrote “Rumor: Something great from Citi…”  In that post I replayed hints given by Gary Leff (View from the Wing) about a new Citi Hilton card on its way.  Today, Gary...

How to buy points for free

This is a trick for advanced gift card churners.  The trick can be used to help meet minimum spend requirements, earn points, and even earn some money.  I’ve hinted about this in previous posts,...

Rumor: Something great from Citi…

On Tuesday, I reported on some “Exciting credit card rumors”.  In that post, I focused on a likely new Ink Bold product, and an increased SPG bonus.  However, in the comments of that post,...

Apple Savings and Points

So let’s say you finally gave in and agreed to buy your son or daughter a new computer before school starts.  Not only that, but let’s say they’ve convinced you that they absolutely need...

Gift Card Upgrade Results

Frequent Miler Laboratory experiments continue to roll on with a surprising amount of success.  In the post “Laboratory Preparations” I described a number of experiments that were being launched.  In each case, the goal...

The JCP Double Dip

JC Penney gift cards are readily available through gift card resellers for 25% off (or more).  This is a nice, easy way to get an automatic 25% savings on all JCP purchases.  If you’re...

Exciting credit card rumors

A few bloggers have dropped hints recently about new credit card offers coming our way.  They had met with some of the top banks to discuss credit card offers, but had apparently promised not...

Free points from Staples until July 22

Staples’ FAR is back!  Finally!  Staples is back with a new FAR (Free after Rebate) software download!  This is a great way to make progress toward meeting credit card minimum spend thresholds or...

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