Chase has made a great improvement for business cardholders as they now allow you to dispute transactions online rather than having to call.
Disputing transactions online has been a feature available on personal cards for some time, so it was frustrating that this was previously unavailable on business cards. I had a transaction on my Ink Plus card last year that I wanted to dispute but discovered that I’d need to call to do that. I think I ended up forgetting to dispute it in the end; it wasn’t a huge loss as it was only a small transaction, but it was still annoying not having the ability to do that online seeing as Chase clearly had the functionality.
Disputing a transaction online for a Chase business card is straightforward. Simply find the transaction you need to dispute, click the arrow next to the amount and select ‘Dispute transaction’. You’ll need to answer a few questions about the transaction, but then you can leave it in Chase’s hands without needing to make a phone call.

We had 2 two hour waits to get a $700 charge erased last month, and asked the phone rep why they weren’t doing this. Her answer was an exasperated “I wish they would!” Since I now have $400 play tickets that need a refund, I’m glad that this has been improved.