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If you have any Amex business cards, log in and check your Amex Offers for the above deal. This appears to be very highly targeted. I found this only on 1 of my dozen or so Amex business cards.
Note that even though it says that it is for “AT&T Small Business Wireless” I’ve found with previous offers that it works to pay my personal AT&T wireless bill. And AT&T lets you pay in part or overpay to apply credit to future bills, so you can easily apply exactly $150 to your bill in order to maximize this offer.
See also: Complete guide to Amex Offers.
Hat Tip: Doctor of Credit
Does anyone have the full terms and conditions for this offer? I’m in a pickle right now regarding this offer and might need the full terms if I end up in court
I used it to pay off my phone on a NEXT plan. I happened to owe $151, so that worked out really well! Got the notification that I used the AMEX offer so I guess it worked!
anyone try this on accessories yet? I have it on 3 cards but do to other previous offers I have a huge credit on my AT&T account and can’t make any payments.
I got a similar offer on my Business Platinum card, for 10,000 Membership Rewards points, which I consider even more valuable. Nice offer, hopefully works on my personal account…
Can I buy a gift card?
does it work on AT&T prepaid?
I use Tmobile, can anybody recommend how to use this offer?
Can you talk about how to maximize this offer if you have another carrier? Either through switching, or through signing up, buying a phone to resell and then cancelling service? I have Verizon now but not on contract, was thinking of switching to Xfinity soon, but this might be a nice diversion. I got this offer on two cards.
I think that you can buy products (headphones, etc.) through their online store and get the credit, but I haven’t tested this
I’m in the process of doing this right now. It does not look promising as the charges appear to show as AT&T store and I have yet to receive an e-mail from Amex stating I triggered the offer.
I have VZW but got the offer on one of my cards. Anyone have experience if I buy some accessories from the regular AT&T site if that would trigger the offer?
I think accessories will work, as you can purchase accessories from the AT&T small business website. I might be the guinea pig and try it.
If you pull the trigger, please report back!
yes please do i got it on two of my cards
You have more than a dozen Amex business cards? Didn’t think you could have more than 4 maybe 5?
Multiple AUs. Separate logins.
Yep it did work with personal ATT wireless account! Thanks!
Did you just log into your personal account and pay there? Terms say to go to when I try to log in there though, it doesn’t work.
I tried the business log in, too, and almost gave up. But logging in and paying from personal account seems to have worked 🙂
What’s the play if you have say Sprint? Some sort of reselling opportunity?