Nick and I have recently made several appearances on various points & miles podcasts. If you’re interested in Greg’s current thoughts on manufactured spending, or Nick’s ideas about hacking the LifeMiles hidden award chart, you may want to listen in. A roundup of recent podcast appearances can be found below.

Greg’s podcast appearances
- Travel is Free Podcast (May 23 2019): With Dave and Drew, I discuss manufactured spend (4X everywhere), and much more.
- Award Travel 101 Podcast (March 18 2019): Life behind the keyboard: Richard and I talk about life as a blogger.
- Now Boarding (December 18 2018): Ed and I touch on many subjects including the results of the Google image search for the words “Branson chokes”

Nick’s podcast appearances
- Travel is Free (May 30 2019): Nick explains why Membership Rewards is a better program than Ultimate Rewards. Next, he dives into the secrets behind the LifeMiles secret award chart. Nick also unveils what it’s like working for Greg. Greg guest-hosts with Drew.
- Now Boarding (November 20 2018): Nick and Ed discuss traveling the world with kids.
- Miles to Go (November 28 2018): Nick discusses the Citi Prestige cards new super powers and the downside of the latest changes to the card.

[…] couple of months ago, Greg wrote a post titled, “FM in your ear (Frequent Miler podcast appearances)“. In that post, Greg rounded up some of the recent appearances that he and I have made on […]
Thanks for calling our attention. I download most of them for my commute time. For those who don’t know, you can download the podcast from the webpage by moving the cursor to the playing panel and you will see some hidden options. The most right one, namely, the square with an arrow coming out, is the option to download the mp3 file to your hard drive or wherever you want to save it.
Also, I have trouble to download the “Now Boarding (November 20 2018): Nick and Ed discuss traveling the world with kids.”
congrats, Nick, on the ultimate travel-hacking … time travel (while you’re hanging out in next November, mind letting me know who wins the World Series? thanks!)
Whoops. Fixed
dang, I was ready to place some bets