It’s taken many, many years, but IHG Rewards Club has finally enhanced security so that you can log in with a password rather than a PIN.
A password is apparently required when customers register for a new IHG Rewards Club account, but existing members aren’t currently being forced to change their existing PIN. It’s a good idea to proactively make this change though and it’s easy to do.
When logging in, click the ‘Reset Password’ link. Enter your email address and click ‘Send reset link’. They should, in theory, send you a link to reset the password.
I say “In theory” because after waiting 15 minutes, they still didn’t send a reset link. I therefore requested they reset the password again and that link arrived immediately.
Your new password has to contain at least eight characters including at least three of the following:
- Capital letter
- Lowercase letter
- Number
- Special character
Ignoring the fact that the first password reset request didn’t generate an email, it only took a minute or two to change my password, so it’s definitely worth doing.

Sad to see this issue is still happening. I’ve been trying to reset my password for days, but the reset email just never arrives. I know I’m using the right email, I have checked spam, etc. Nothing. I’ve reached out to IHG but have yet to hear back. This has happened to me multiple times over the years — I don’t understand why they can’t fix this.
Just sign in (you do have to use the PIN), go to Personal Information, then Password, Edit. No need to reset – or more specifically, no need to wait on the reset, which may or may not ever come…
yes, helpful post. Changed mine. Thanks Stephen
My account was hacked before because there was only a 4 digit pin required. Luckily I wake up super early so i was able to catch the attack right after it happened and regain control with the help of IHG customer service. But I feel a stronger password would have prevented this problem in the first place.
Helpful thank you