Citi has announced a coming negative change on its Price Rewind price protection benefit. Starting July 29th, Price Rewind claims will be limited to $200 per claim, up to a maximum of $1000 per year. That’s a sizable drop from the current benefit.
As a reminder, the current benefit for claims before July 29th, 2018 is much more generous, at $500 per claim, up to $2,500 per year.
Moving forward, you’ll still have 60 days to make a claim, but the limits will be the lowest among the price protection policies of the major issuers. The current policy is quite generous — but remember the July 29th cutoff for larger claims.
H/T: Doctor of Credit
[…] about Citi killing Price Rewind, which is kind of surprising since they just cut the benefit by 60% less than one year ago. That’s both kind of surprising and disappointing, though I have to imagine that they were […]
[…] year, Citi announced cuts to the Price Rewind program, dropping claim limits. Here were the […]
[…] Price Rewind’s Negative Changes: Some cards in your wallet come with a price protection benefit. There are programs that are better than others, but this particular bank is making some negative changes to theirs. Bummer! […]
There were a lot of hoops to jump thru just to get a $70 claim paid when my sneakers went on sale. I’d hate to try and get anything above $200 reimbursed even before July 29th.