A reader tweeted us yesterday to give us a tip that he heard Macerich Malls would have no purchase fees on Mall Visa Gift Cards today through August 19th, 2017. I found this promotion listed on the home page of a Macerich Mall.
The Deal
- No purchase fees on Visa Gift Cards at Macerich Malls today through August 19th, 2017
- Participating malls can be found on pages 8-9 in this PDF (thanks to Aaron in the comments at Doctor of Credit)
Key Terms
- Maximum load of $500 per card
- Limit of 5 Visa Gift Cards in a single transaction per customer per day during the promotion
- Not available online
- Gift cards issued by Sunrise Bank
Bottom line
This is a great find if you live near one of these malls as it provides an opportunity for up to $2500 in fee-free spend per day through Saturday. Most Macerich Malls will require ID and record your information if you are buying any substantial quantity. However, it’s an easy way to pick up some miles or cash back. I’m not aware of any cards that offer a bonus on spend at Macerich Malls, so it would be wise to choose a card that earns a high return on everyday spend.
H/T: YS.E.H. on Twitter & Doctor of Credit for the PDF

[…] No-fee Visa Gift Cards at Macerich Malls this week (Expired) […]
Anyone visit multiple locations on the same day?
would it make sense to use Starwood amex for this get to 20k transfer and get 5k bonus ? Same question for Plastiq for mortgage
That’s hard for someone else to answer. It depends on how you use the points. It certainly can make sense. You need to look at what you’re going to do with the points. This deal is fee-free and you’ll only get $2500 in fee-free cards per day between now and Saturday, so max $12,500 if you got some today….$10,000 if you start tomorrow. I’d take 10K or 12.5K free Starpoints if I could get them. That said, if you’ve never bought gift cards like that, I’d caution against going from $0 to $10,000 in gift card purchases on your Amex card as they might turn off your card for suspicious activity if it is outside of your patterns. You might need to distribute different days across different cards.
As for Plastiq, unless you have fee-free dollars, you’re paying a fee there. Then you really need to analyze how much value you’ll get out of the points vs the fee you pay. Again, this is really dependent on how you use the points.
Are they sold in every store in the malls?
No. You don’t buy these in a store. They’re usually sold at a customer service desk within the mall – like a mall office or mall customer service desk.
Man, the people at Flatirons Crossing in CO were AMAZINGLY helpful. They knew everything about this promo, about why we buy gift cards, and welcomed me back to buy $2500/day through Saturday and up to $10k (with fees) on any given day…as well as hooking me up with an alert for the next promo. I’ve never seen such an MS friendly staff ever. Pleasant surprise 🙂
Computer system down Aug 14 at 7:00 pm in Rosemont,I’ll. Unable to purchase cards.
[…] I don’t usually put short term deals here, but this could be very useful to those who missed our prior post on the topic. For details (including a link to a PDF listing all participating stores), please click through to the Quick Deal: No-fee Visa Gift Cards at Macerich Malls this week. […]
Loadable to bluebird?
Should be, yes.
[…] HT: Frequent Miler […]
Ughh, closest mall to Dallas is several hours away in Lubbock. They sold their stake in a mall close to me a few years ago.
So far this year I’ve been able to liquidate meta’s at Walmart, Bancorp at the post office and us bank mc’s at the post office.
What are liquidation options for Sunrise Bank debit gc’s?
Sunrise doesn’t work as USPS. Should work just about everywhere else.
Thanks for the quick response!