Officemax is offering a $15 instant rebate with the purchase of $300 in Visa gift cards through 8/29/15. There is a limit of 2 per customer, meaning you can purchase $600 in cards in one transaction and receive a $30 instant rebate.
This deal is unpublished and doesn’t show in their ad, however I was able to confirm its existence at my local store. In fact, several local Officemax stores all had a sign advertising the offer when I visited.
Deals like this are popular because it is possible to earn 5% back or 5X points with cards such as the Amex SimplyCash and Chase Ink. Purchasing 3 x $200 cards for example would generate a $9.15 profit plus 2,955 points if you use a Chase Ink card to pay.
Visa gift cards sold by Officemax are issued by Metabank. For more info on setting the pin on these cards and liquidating them, see: Beginner’s guide to buying & liquidating Visa & Mastercard gift cards
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HT: Dan’s Deals
Last day of the offer… Still alive at one of my local OM.
$200 cards gone, but they have plenty of $100 cards inside stand that nobody even thinking of taking out. I just get them out 6 at the time 2 times a day (morning and evening).
Can someone Please take a photo of the gift card that is the $200 value and post if?
What do they look like? Thanks so much!
My Office Max has been out of $200s and $100s since Sunday afternoon, maybe sooner. I’ve checked every day. I’ve always been able to take advantage of these deals in the past. I think they dropped the ball this time on supply.
Almost missed this deal, as I was busy finalizing car purchace end of last week and begining of this.
Got 3x$200 cards tonight at my local OD. They agree to hold last 3 $200 cards for my to buy tomorrow.
Office Max is lame…..8:30 am first day of sale, started going to 4 different stores….3 $200 cards, 4 100 cards all locations combined. Not sold out…..Out to lunch.
I got 12 200’s…feel very lucky
These promotions from Office Depot are a complete CON JOB………you show up on the day of the sale and no cards are available………..will NEVER do business with them……..EVER!
Can confirm OM only. No OD 🙁
The nearest OM are in Tijuana. I’m a dedicated MSer but that’s a step too far! lol
I went to all my local OM and not one single store sold $200. Is this common?
I managed to get a Manual Override @ an OD but they would only do it one time for me since I shop there so much.
The manager specifically said he didn’t have the power to override ‘these things’
You got lucky. OD was the only store I could find that sold $200
Plenty of these at my officemax but the cashier insisted it is cash only….is that true?
They are not cash only as a corporate policy. Some stores have their own policies, which you may be running into. My guess is they wouldn’t have nearly as many sitting around if they weren’t cash only!
Only if they are not a fixed GC. Fixed variable GC’s should allow CC’s
Fixed variabled GC’s should be allowed to purchase with CC.
Got the $30 rebate today on 3x $200 VGCs. There was only one left on the rack when I got there, so I asked the cashier if they had any others in the back, and rather than going into the back, she opened up the gift card rack and alas, inside the rack there was an unopened pack of about 10 additional $200 VGCs! I tried paying with a personalized Amex GC since I have a balance on one that I still need to drain, but they wouldn’t allow payment with a gift card even though my name was on it, so I ended up putting all $590 on Ink.
Don’t think that someone cleaned them out today for this deal before you got there this morning. Many stores didn’t have any in stock for this deal because there are so many now just buying these randomly instead of buying them during a sale. Makes very little since to me why some of these people would buy $200’s if they’re not on sale because you don’t come out that ahead even when using an Ink card for 5 x UR points. At the normal price they’re doing just a little better than breaking even, but then have the trouble of liquidating. But, it happens and then they’re sorry the next week after they bought to see a sale. Then, there are more and more OM locations not getting any 200’s in stock. They’ve told me their location stopped receiving the 200’s and some locations even the 100’s last year.
I should have read your comment first. I stated below the same issue. I went to 6 OM stores and got nothing. Not that they were sold out, but they didn’t have any at all.
Such b@llsh*t. I’m not paying $5.95 for $100. Even with a deal..that’s only $300 as apposed to $600..not worth my time to liquidate 🙁
Hi, What brand are the 200 visa gift cards that office max has. They tried to ring them up and the register didn’t recognize them. Thanks
Went to local office max on opening only $50 or $25 cards or $200 in $50 x4 so higher fees paid,
Staff had no idea if register would rebate $30 on purchase but it did
Local od only vanilla cards and no sign to explain. Looks like om is clearing out old inventory ?
So 3 $200‘s will get you 2 $15 instant rebates??
Yes. $206.95 x 3 – $30 = $590.85
Thanks P