We’ve written a number of times about Point.me, an online award booking tool that can help you find flight award availability, as well as providing additional services like full-service award booking for you.
Point.me is a paid service, but they’ve now provided an opportunity for new users to get three searches via a free trial.
The Deal
- Get three free searches with Point.me with a free trial.
- Direct link to offer (our affiliate link).
Key Terms
- Email signup required.
- Trial searches are only available to new customers.
Quick Thoughts
Point.me has a free different pricing plans. There’s a $5 starter pass that gets you 24 hour access to run as many searches as you like, or a $12 per month plan if you want ongoing access. They also have a premium $260 per year plan which includes a discount on concierge services, a points consultancy call and five starter passes to give to family and friends.
For those who’d rather not fork out any money before knowing whether or not the service is useful, this new free trial could come in handy. All you need to do is set up an account for free, then you can run your three free searches. You don’t have to provide any payment details when setting up this free trial account, so there’s no concern about having to cancel some kind of auto-subscription after that. If you decide that Point.me is useful for you, you can go ahead and pay for one of their paid plans. If not, there’s nothing you need to do.
Something worth bearing in mind is that you can get unlimited free searches powered by Point.me thanks to their partnership with Bilt (with whom you can also set up a free account). That partnership was initially only available in Bilt’s app, but it’s now also available on desktop which makes it easier to run multiple award searches at once.
There is a limitation to that Bilt partnership though. That’s because the search results only display award flights bookable with Bilt transfer partners. Searching for flights directly on Point.me will therefore usually display far more booking options which is why this new free trial could be worthwhile.

[…] offering 3 free searches: The award booking site Point.me is offering three free searches. See this post on Frequent […]
Feeling the squeeze from PointsYeah, no doubt. My guess is anyone paying for these services (especially annually) is going to feel like a rube as both more free services and better paid services come online.
Pro Tip:
Make sure you choose a departure date at least a few months in the future, so the Point.me search has time to complete before the flight takes off
good laugh!
Tried it on a prior free trial and didn’t find it useful.