Through Friday evening 8/30, Delta is running a fantastic promotion: SkyMiles are worth double when booking a Delta Vacation. Nick wrote about this deal a few days ago: Amazing Delta vacation packages promo: get 2c per mile + earn miles.
When I first learned about the deal, my first thought was “I wonder if we can use this deal to cash out SkyMiles at 2 cents each? Supporting this theory, are these cancellation terms:
If you cancel your reservation, miles will not be redeposited into your SkyMiles account. The SkyMiles account holder will receive a Delta Vacations voucher for the value of the miles at the time of they were applied to the booking as payment.
Awesome, right? This means that we can book a Delta Vacation during the promotion, pay for it with SkyMiles, and cancel penalty-free within 24 hours in order to get a Delta Vacations voucher of the same value. We can then use that voucher whenever we want with no restrictions. It’s effectively a way to make this one time awesome deal last forever. Or, so I thought…
Problem 1: Delta Vacation Vouchers Expire in 1 Year
A friend first dug up this information, then I called Delta Vacations to confirm. It’s true, the voucher is worthless if not used within a year. You can book travel for further into the future, but you have to complete bookings within a year of the voucher being issued.
Problem 2: Cancellations within 24 hours result in miles returned to your account
If you cancel within the grace period, you don’t pay a fee to cancel, but you also supposedly get your miles back rather than getting a voucher. That’s what I was told by two different agents. That would, of course, defeat the whole purpose of buying and cancelling.
I wasn’t sure the two agents were right, so I tested the process. I set out to book a vacation package with miles, then cancel it and see if I got miles back or a voucher. The test turned out to be a big and inconclusive pain in the butt. First, even though I clicked all the right buttons to book a vacation and pay with SkyMiles, it didn’t show the credit from the SkyMiles on the final payment screen. So, I put the vacation on hold (that’s a nice feature, at least!) and called to book it with SkyMiles. Later, I tried to cancel the booking online. That’s when I learned that you can’t cancel Delta Vacation packages online. So I called. Surprisingly, the agent told me that I would get a voucher rather than miles back. Score! Maybe?
After receiving confirmation that the package was cancelled, I checked my Delta account to look for either a voucher or miles returned. I couldn’t find either. I waited another hour and looked again. Nope. I called and was told that the cancellation request goes to the accounting department who will then mail me a voucher. Yes, snail mail. That’s what the agent said anyway. She offered to call the help desk to see if I could get miles back instead. No, thanks, I said. That would ruin my experiment… I mean, no thanks I’m good with the voucher.
So, I ran that experiment and learned… not much. I don’t know whether I’ll really get a voucher or if the accounting department will issue my miles back. I’ll just have to wait and see. Unfortunately, I’m pretty sure that the results will be too late to help anyone decide what to do with this promotion.
Another option is to pay for travel protection. You’ll see this option on the final check-out screen. The cost depends on the cost of your package. I tested out a package costing $943.56 and was offered a price of $59 for basic travel protection. According to the bullet points, this lets you cancel for any reason before departure.
Of course, you won’t get back the $59 fee, so that would lower the value of your SkyMiles. In this example, let’s say that we paid 100% of the package price with miles and paid the travel protection with cash. In that case, we would pay 47,178 SkyMiles + $59. After cancelling, we would theoretically get back a voucher worth $943.56. So, we can calculate the value of the SkyMiles award (assuming full value for the voucher) as: ($943.56 – $59) / 47,178 = 1.87 cents per mile.
1.87 cents per mile is still pretty good for SkyMiles! Unfortunately, there are other issues…
Delta Vacation Restrictions
In order to use your voucher, you have to book a vacation package. You cannot use the voucher for a regular Delta flight purchase. For a trip to count as a package, it must meet the following conditions:
- Trip must include a hotel stay, or must include both airfare and car rental. In other words, it’s possible to book a hotel stay alone, but not airfare alone and not car rental alone.
- For airfare plus car rental to count as a package, the car rental must span 5 nights (or 3 nights in Hawaii)
- If you don’t have both airfare and car rental, then you must have a minimum number of hotel nights, as follows:
- Minimum 4 nights in Australia or Asia
- Minimum 3 nights in Europe
- Minimum 2 nights everywhere else
- When booking airfare, you cannot book one-way flights, but you can include multiple stops or open-jaws.
It does appear to be possible to extend the time frame of this promotion via a buy and cancel trick, but it’s not clear that it’s a great idea to do. First, you probably won’t get the full 2 cents per SkyMile value due to the likely need to purchase Travel Protection. Second, the voucher is only good for a year (but that is far longer than this promo lasts, so that’s not so bad). Third, there are many restrictions as to what kind of vacation package you can book with Delta Vacations. It may turn out to be harder than you think to use your voucher.
I tested the process of buying and cancelling so that I’d have firm answers about what was possible, but that didn’t work out in the time available. My recommendation for those sitting on lots of SkyMiles is to try your best to use this promo straight up. By that I mean, book the vacation that you actually want and pay for it with SkyMiles before end of day Friday.
Should I have published this?
I didn’t originally intend to post about this buy and cancel idea. Some may object to it being unethical. Others may irk at my “killing the deal” (but the deal is on a very short timer anyway so I don’t think that’s a real issue). Ultimately I decided to publish because many readers were commenting with variations of the same idea. So, it was happening with or without me. Hopefully this post will give some people pause. Is it really worth the headache?

Can you use your voucher for other people?
I believe so
Just FYI, my voucher showed up in the mail yesterday!
What are the details on the voucher?
Can it be used for anything such as hotel only?
The expiration is one year, right? So is that book by one year or complete trip by one year?
Some key T&Cs:
1. Redeem toward “Delta Vacations flight and hotel vacation; flight, hotel, and car rental; or hotel and car rental; or hotel and car rental or transfer; in addition to any optional activities”
Note: “hotel only” isn’t in the list but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t do it. I don’t yet know.
2. “Travel certificate can be redeemed in its entirety or in increments up to the value or balance remaining on the card.”
i.e. you can use the certificate multiple times until it is used up.
7. “… the travel certificate is valid for payment made prior to the expiration date”.
In other words, you can book travel for past the expiration date but must make the payment before it expires.
8. “Extensions to the expiration date will not be permitted and travel certificate is not rechargeable.”
10. “Travel certificate is void if altered or sold, is non traansferable, nonrefundable…”
12. “If a booking using a travel certificate as payment is cancelled, any remaining value, after applicable cancellation fees have been deducted, will be refunded back to the original travel certificate and all terms of the original travel certificate, including original expiration date, will apply.”
e.g. They already thought up how we would try to extend the expiration date and they squashed our plans.
Any new data points on the hotel only option?
Hi Greg, can you use the voucher to book the vacation for someone else, or for the original travellers only? Can you book flight+car or hotel+car that cannot originally be booked using miles? Thank you very much.
I don’t see anything in the terms prohibiting booking a vacation for someone else. Yes, you can book flight+car or hotel + car.
And…do you have to use up the value of the voucher in one booking? How many vouchers may be redeemed for one booking? Thanks.
No, you don’t have to use it all up at once. The document is silent about how many can be used on one booking.
Well Greg… My Plan just went down the drain…You can see my thread right above this one on what I did and the 2 vouchers I was told were coming just 1 day ago… BUT BUT BUT I just logged into my Delta account and ALL My Miles are back and under activity shows them to the exact miles for both transactions that I cancelled 12 hours after each was booked…
Hey Greg, I had my miles post back (cancelled within 24 hours, no insurance). I rebooked with insurance last night, and was going to cancel after 24 hours… hope I’m not out $166 (insurance cost). Is this what you ended up doing: >24 hrs cancel with insurance? Looking fwd to your answers on the other questions too re: T&Cs of the certificate.
I cancelled within 24 hours without insurance, but this was before they shored up their policies. In other words, the policy of returning the miles within 24 hours was already in place but not well implemented when I did it. i.e. I got lucky.
In your case, you need to wait more than 24 hours and you definitely should get the certificate but you will also be out $166 since the certificate will only be for the amount of the vacation not the insurance too.
Fair enough…. I paid with miles, so given it was a $1950 trip + 166, it was a ~7% reduction in value, but I’m ok with that so long as I get the cert.
Congrats on your end result.
Greg, I have 862,000 miles. I just did a Delta Vacation for a tad over $6,000 and cost me 300,081 miles… I did not see that you can cancel within 24 hours and get the Voucher anywhere… I rolled the dice hoping I don’t get Whacked with a fee. We shall see and crossing my fingers hoping to get the Voucher for the $6,000+ to use in the next year… So my questions ? 1. What are your thoughts on the 24 hours cancelation ? And 2. I should get the full Value of the $6,000 in the voucher correct ?
You’ll be fine. They don’t put it in your face, but you do have until midnight next day to cancel with no penalty as long as you booked the travel for far enough in the future. Just make sure to call them back to cancel soon. Yes, you should get a certificate worth $6000 towards vacation packages after you cancel.
AWESOME. Thanks… Yes I booked it this afternoon for travel in December so I’ll cancel tomorrow morning… I may also book a few more as I can get crazy better value with the rest of my miles…. Oh is it also 100% true you can use part of the voucher and have the balance to use on another trip ? Or I assume if that is the case I can also book a more expensive trip with the voucher and pay the difference
Hi, can you please share your outcome? I booked two trips that I actually intend on using, but still have skymiles to put to use. Considering booking and cancelling within 24 hrs just like you planned.
It Worked 100% Perfect in regards to the one I mentioned in this post… So after that and since they did the extension of the deal until Sept 6th I also did another one for 500,000+ miles and cancelled as well 12 hours later… I am now waiting on the 2 vouchers of over $6,000 & $10,000 in the mail… I called Delta Vacations 2 different times asking when they will arrive and I got 2 different answers… 1 said they said they should arrive in 7-14 business days. And the 2nd said in 4-5 business days… So we shall see, but All looks 100% perfect so far.
That’s awesome, congrats! And thanks for sharing JG. I’ll likely do the same as I’m not sure if there’s going to be another opportunity like this (soon) to use SkyMiles. Had it not been for Greg’s post, I would have no idea…. Thanks Greg!
Agreed. Especially with the doubling and since you get MQM’s. Plus you can use the vouchers partially a little at a time or add $$$ if you have too and use them in full…
Well My Plan just went down the drain… I logged into my Delta account and ALL My Miles are back and under activity shows them to the exact miles for both transactions that I cancelled 12 hours after each was booked…
Did you pay for the insurance?? Seems cancelatijs under 24 hrs without insurance go back to miles and with insurance result in a voucher
NOPE NO Insurance
Try again add insurance and cancel in a few days. Bet you’ll get the vouchers
Thanks. Just Booked a HUGE Trip using all the Miles and I Added the Insurance… So will cancel tomorrow or Maybe wait a few days until next week as it now makes no difference since I have the insurance… So we shall see what happens and if I get the $15,798 Voucher. That was the total price without the insurance cost. And used 806,150 Skymiles with the insurance which was $325… So wish me luck. I’ll update when I either get the voucher or miles refunded again lol
Well all miles went back to Delta account as well. Ugh. I didn’t get insurance and now it’s too late to do anything. Converted a lot of AMEX points plus the conversion fee of course went down the drain. Hope you get the voucher with the insurance !
Well I cancelled 4 days ago and no miles back in my account. So hopefully the voucher is on the way with this one i did with insurance. When i cancelled the last one that had no insurance i did it in under 24 hours and the miles showed up in under 12 hours. So fingers crossed
Good luck! Hope it’ll be the promotional value (two cents per point)
Yes me too… Fingers crossed. Should know any day now
BOOM Got the Vouchers Today… They sent 3 of them… 2 of them were for $200 each for it said the Trip Cancellation Claim and then 1 LARGE one for the Entire remaining balance in the Amount of $15,398.37 – So now I know if they offer this again to do the insurance and then cancel after about 3 or 4 days…
Congrats! And thanks for the info. Why $200 if you don’t mind? Is that the cost of the insurance purchase? I didn’t think they were reimbursing that, insurance money is forfeited, isn’t it?
Not exactly sure but the 2 $200 vouchers were on plain paper and said CLAIM. So I assume it was the insurance covering the $400 fee that was deducted from the main voucher. Either way it was 100% to the penny at the 2 cent redemption with the 3 vouchers
Hearing on reddit the sale was extended to 9/6. A rep confirmed to me but don’t 100% trust them to be properly informed.
That would be awesome. Just tried to call to confirm, but approximate wait time is 30 minutes. Please let us know if you see anything concrete about this!
I just used the option have them call me back and about 20 minutes later they called and I had to wait about a minute before someone came on.
Hmm, I didn’t get that option
It must just be that they really like me. Or more likely the wait time is high enough that they gave the option. For me it was 17 to 36 minutes when I called.
Just confirmed with a rep that it’s been extended until Sep 6!
[…] Problems with banking SkyMiles via Delta Vacations by Frequent Miler. Great post and I’m glad Greg published it. […]
Greg, thanks for posting this topic… I was curious but sounds too restrictive since I’d have to cancel and reserve something next year with some doubts about redeeming. IMO your blog has been giving great content lately like the Citi TY to Turkish Airlines redemptions, along with the whole contest you guys did. I hope you and Nick keep sending fresh ideas our way!
Anyone know if I can book an air+hotel+extras (theme park tickets) vacation and just throw away the flight?
Or would the hotel/extras somehow get cancelled if I don’t show up for the first leg of the flight?
Interested in doing this for a Disney vacation that are otherwise difficult to book using miles/points but the flights they offer from my market are lousy.
I booked a Delta vacation using miles for the airfare, and I don’t need the 6 nights in the hotel. The hotel charges a daily $34 resort fee. Even after paying the resort fees, I still come out marginally better–but is there any way to avoid paying the resort fees? What if I never check in? Could Delta not give me MQMs?
First, there’s no reason to book 6 nights. Call Delta vacations to see if they can reduce the number of nights without charging you a penalty. Hopefully you’ll get money back. I don’t believe there’s any penalty in not checking in, but I’m also not sure whether or not that avoids the resort fees, but it probably does.
they should be able to alter the hotel portion and either add or subtract. I’ve changed hotels before after booking with DV, so I don’t see why they couldn’t reduce the # of nights
You should be able to change the number of hotel nights, as long as you meet the minimum requirement. I had the agent split my reservation into 3 nights in Amsterdam and 3 nights in Brussels. It came out to be $1.2K cheaper for me compared to booking all 6 nights in Amsterdam or Brussels online.
Thanks all. I called: up to 31 days prior to travel, I can cancel up to 4 nights (need the 2 night minimum stay). The refund will be in the form of a DV voucher. Since there are three of us on the current reservation, the voucher can be used in the future by any of us.
thanks for sharing Greg! “Others may irk at my “killing the deal”” should never be a reason not to publish something like this.
“ So, it was happening with or without me.”…then what’s the point in publishing this? Do you want more readers to follow your route? No offense. It just seems like you still want this post to attract something.
Do you honestly want to know reasons why somebody might be interested in reading something like this or did you just want to bitch about a blogger potentially killing a deal before you took a full advantage of?
Yes for the former. As I said i was just trying to understand why FM posted this after I read that line.
And if you think this is a “deal”, I guess you’re too young in this game haha.
Just the opposite. I want people who are doing this to understand the downsides of it before committing their miles
Thanks for clarification.
I don’t know Greg, but I’m guessing if this had turned out to be some sort of golden goose (e.g. imagine online cancellation were possible, and you could request the refund in cash), the idea of posting about it would have given him some pause. Given that it just sounds like a big pain in the butt, I don’t see the harm in posting it.
Greg, wonder if we need to use the voucher all at once? Or if it could be used multiple times?
A rep told me that they can be used multiple times, like a gift card