I discovered something this morning that you might already be aware of but which was news to me. When logging in to view my Chase Offers, there was a dropdown list of my eligible accounts and at the top of that list was the debit card that’s attached to my Chase Total Checking account.
I opened this account a few months ago for the $600 checking/savings bonus but have never used the debit card for any transactions. I normally check Chase Offers using direct links for the cards we use the most, so I don’t think I’d actually looked at my Chase Offers after logging in for several months.
It was therefore surprising to see my debit card listed as I’d always assumed Chase Offers were only available on their credit cards. Even more surprising was the fact that my debit card had three offers available considering I’d never used the card. 10% off Instacart and StubHub are fairly good deals if you need to make purchases with them, but the Old Navy offer was even more interesting. The last Old Navy store I was in had a gift card rack that stocked Amazon gift cards, so this Chase Offer is an easy way to save 10% on Amazon purchases.
You get more Chase Offers the more frequently you use a card, so it’s doubtful I’ll see a plethora of them on my debit card as I have no intention of using it for day-to-day purchases. Hopefully using the card for the occasional Chase Offer will in turn increase the number of offers I receive on it though.

It’s YMMV on Old Navy having third party gift cards. Checked one today for fun – no 3rd party GCs at all.
Bank of America has offers that can be applied to both your debit and credit cards. Apply the offer to your account profile and it will be honored for either card type.
This has been around since the start of Chase Offers