Note: As of 10/13/15 the Target REDcard (REDbird) can only be loaded with cash in-store at Target. Gift cards and/or debit cards no longer work to load REDcard. For more info, see: Here is the REDbird memo, “Cash is the only tender guests can use”
As of May 6, 2015, Target no longer accepts credit cards for in-store REDbird reloads. For more information, please see “REDbird Post Memo Answers“, and “REDbird grounded. Now what?“
I hate spreading unconfirmed rumors, but this one is important, if true. A few people via comments on this blog have reported a memo that supposedly went out to all Target stores saying that credit cards will no longer be an allowed form of payment as of tomorrow May 6. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it at first since it is common for memos to be described as corporate wide when they are store specific, but then Dan of Dan’s Deals claims to have confirmed the memo himself.
Assuming this is true, there is no word yet on whether this will be hard coded in the register or left to employees to enforce. There is also no word yet on whether or not debit card payments will be allowed.
I tried to verify this memo at my local Target, but the overall store manager knew nothing about it. Maybe there’s hope? Maybe the memo is store specific, after all? I’ll post again once more is known.
Why publish now, without proof?
I wanted to give everyone a heads up in case this is true. If you can, it would be worth running out to Target today for what might be your final credit card load.

thanks for keeping us informed. Thanks to u and your website I made my last large cc download last nite..thank u, thank u!
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VGC with pin is working
Noooooo!!!! I just got my card two weeks ago and loaded it up for $5K for April but didn’t get a chance for May. Tomorrow I’m driving from Mexico to Arizona via California so I’ll try to stop at a couple Targets to see if I have any luck. That will be a serious bummer if all I got out of it was one load. I was hoping to get a 10K mile bonus on my United card for charging $25K in a year.
I’ll try to tonight and see what happens. Las Vegas.
[…] I reported earlier today that it appeared that today may be the last day to reload the Target Prepaid REDcard (AKA REDbird) with a credit card. Since then, I was able to confirm this rumor… […]
There’s no point in trying to validate these uninformed reports since we will know for sure in less than 24 hours whether Target will no longer let us feed Redbird with credit cards, and if so whether that also includes gift cards.
I am in Massachusetts. CS rep at my Danvers Target told me no more loading w/CC’s. I asked her to please try. She called a supervisor who told her it’s effective as of May 6th, so I was able to load today. Will go back tonight to top off. Back to Serve???
Dans deals is the source lol. Maybe this is actually happening, but I don’t believe it until it’s official
Wonder when people will publicly stop talking about MS deals. Almost every deal made public dies. Plenty that arent publicized have been going strong for years. Everyone here on this site knows what to do. So go out and do it and stop making the info public. How many more things have to die off until people realize that posting in public forums is hazardous to MS
has anyone testing loading redcard at Walmart? If I need to strat loading with debit, I’d rather use the kiosk. This would help me avoiding switching back to serve or bluebird.
Daniel, that’s not a bad idea. I’ll give it a try when I go next time. I have BB and RB (keep one BB for the checks and kiosks). I tend to go to WM anyway to do bill pay, but BB is easy peasy. I just switched on BB over to RB and now I think I’ll likely switch back. Sigh. If RB loads at kiosk, that’ll work for me!
Cool, is test it out but I just registered my temporary Redbird last night so it hasn’t arrived. I’d like to not switch back so soon
Daniel, I tested today. One canNOT load a RB at WM kiosk.
Tried this week’s ago based on the fact that I press the BB button to load Serve. If it works for Serve, it might work for Serve, right? I was wrong! Target and WM’s coding of this card must be very different unlike BB and Serve both supported by WM. I got can cancelled transaction receipt soon as I swiped the RB card.
I can conclude that RB and WM are like oil and water.
If it’s true, are you going to test/post about which gift cards are working? Any debit? or same as walmart? etc…
I’ll probably be less obvious than that. If I write something like “every debit card I tried worked fine” then you’ll know that Vanilla etc works
If my home is good for anything it’s that we are always the LAST to hear about anything. Loaded $5000 in WV a few hours ago. All was normal and cashier looked forward to tomorrow for another $5K.
This does raise the question as to whether it is geographic. Target’s HQ is Minneapolis and if they haven’t heard about it, it may be regional. Fortunately, I’m in Minnesota, but still, I’m going to finish my loads for all 5 cards tonight in the chance that it is correct.