CVS isn’t the only major chain with reload card cash-only memos flying around. Safeway got in the game too, with respect to Reloadit cards. See the photo, below, that was sent to me by a reader. Reloadit cards are similar to Vanilla Reload cards in how they work (but cannot be loaded to Bluebird or Serve). Some people have been able to use their credit cards to buy Reloadit cards at Safeway owned stores (Safeway, Vons, Pavilions, Dominick’s, Randalls, Tom Thumb, and Carrs). Safeway doesn’t like this though. Apparently, the registers will still allow it, but they sent out this memo reminding stores that their cashiers must require cash only. Additionally, Reloadit cards used to all have text on the front stating “Cash Only”, but a recent batch did not have that. This memo says that once new cards are printed, they will once again proudly state “Cash Only”. Bummer.

Perhaps not unrelated to this (or a misunderstanding on the manager’s part) when I was buying VISA gift cards in Safeway today the manager who did the “override” so that I could buy them said that she saw a memo today saying that all gift cards at Safeway will be going cash-only after Xmas.
I think that unlikely, but who knows? 🙂
My New Year’s RESLOUTION will be to run spell-check on all memos I send out to the field.
Wait- I’ve always had that policy, it’s not a change…
Just went to CVS in Pittsburgh and was not allowed to purchase Vanilla Visa variable gift card($500) with credit card. The cashier said this was also in the email they received.
[…] ReloadIt cash-only memo – Frequent Miler […]
[…] News and notes from around the interweb: In Lucky‘s Fly & Dine interview he endorses the Andaz 5th Avenue’s lemon poppyseed pancakes. MileNerd shares the math on how Rocketmiles can be a good deal… even compared to Priceline. Free 26 weeks of the Wall Street Journal for taking a survey. That was fast: 99% of the tickets for Frequent Traveler University Advanced sold overnight. Why the TSA thinks you have no right to leave the screening area without its permission Safeway-owned stores enforcing cash only for Reloadit cards […]
That being said, I’m currently living in a city (Tuscaloosa, AL) that’s not near any Safeway-owned stores. I guess I could try the third one and report back.
Grrr, worst week for MS in a while! I was wondering if this would be reported soon. Our Tom Thumb down the street started getting more strict about this with various print outs of cash only for certain products recently, but last night we went to another location and they checker said cash only, i said “oh, well I’ve bought these on credit before without a problem, do you mind trying?” and he strictly said “no, they are cash only” (while looking for a printout), and then says “We even had to watch a training video yesterday on these and the other prepaid cards”…. ugh! Not good for sure… We’ve been using reloadits for maybe 9+ months with no problem and had high hopes for using them for a while to pay bills.
Can you still buy Visa and Amex gift cards at Safeway using a credit card? Also, is it still possible to buy Moneypaks at Safeway? In addition, is it still possible to buy Reloadits at Winn-Dixie?
In addition, is it possible for you to just go try it yourself and report back to us?
Atxtravel, you’re right. Sorry for not being helpful.
Any luck at Winn Dixie?
Haven’t been able to buy any reloadits from safeway for awhile. Thankfully there are still a few places around me that sell them and I’ve already hit the ceiling on my grocery store spending anyway.
The woman at the money center said the daily limit was either $500 ro $1000 and they had Bluebird promotional material laying around the area……..since I an NOT a Walmart person and this was on a mattress run for Hyatt Diamond I did not have my card(s) with me…..but next weekend I will and I will test the theory……..I way was able to drain it………oh well lesson learned…….that is what the prepaid card issuers are counting on I think…stupid fees from rookie mistakes……….
@JustSaying, are you saying that Walmart allows you to load $1000/day to your BB by using a credit card at the Money Center? I don’t think so. That’s the whole point, using a credit card to generate miles.
I believe Walmart is allowing the Bluebird to be loaded at the money center which would negate the need for a VR from Walmart……
Same experience, it will ring through if the cashier lets it, but I am now getting refused more often than not. Most that decline seem to equate any reloadable to mean cash only so I think that’s the message coming down from the mgmt.
I was able to buy a Reloadit netSpend at Safeway today, so the registers do NOT appear to be hard-coded, at least not in my area and at least not yet.
Though the Reloadit card says you can load up to $950, I keep it under $500 because I believe a manager is required for any amount over $500 and this memo means it’s more important than ever to not attract the attention of managers!
I have never been able to buy a Reloadit card at any of our local (Bellevue, WA) Safeways. Even if I point out that it does not say Cash only, I fall foul of the No variable load products on a credit card rule. I’m not sure if this is only a local rule…