Reminder: Check “nearby” Amex Offers (you might find a pleasant surprise)


A couple of hours ago, I saw that Doctor of Credit posted about an offer for Lowes Foods (a US Grocery store) — spend $100+, get $10 back — that is valid in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. I live in New York, but I’m currently in South Carolina, so I logged in on my laptop to see if I was targeted (using both the new interface and the old interface). Sadly, I wasn’t targeted. However, I remembered that within the Amex app for Android or Apple iOS, you can check for “nearby” offers and Amex will show you a map with offers valid near your current location. When I checked the map, I sure enough found the Lowe’s Foods offer available on all of my cards despite the fact that it didn’t show up in my online login.

a screenshot of a map

How to find your nearby offers

Once logged into the app, select a card and go to “offers”. At the top, above the list of available offers, you should see something like the image of a map above with the words “nearby offers”. When you click that area, it will ask for your permission to use your location data. When you allow it to use your location, it will then pull up a map with offers available locally. In my case, this offer did not show up in my list of offers either on the computer or within the app — it only showed up when looking at the “nearby” offers on the map and allowing the app to use my location. The blue GPS markers in the image below are locations nearby with available Amex Offers.


a map of a city

As you can see, one of those locations is a Lowes Foods store, and clicking on that location populates information about the offer. I can then click on the offer for full terms and to sync it to my card. As noted above, this offer is to Spend $100+ and get $10 back and it is valid until July 27, 2018 either in-store or online at

a screenshot of a credit card

Unfortunately, the downside of an offer that only shows up this way in the app is that I am not aware of any way to sync the offer to multiple cards in the same login. Once I added the offer to one card, it disappeared from the map on my other cards.

That said, I’m happy to get the offer on one card as I’m likely to pass by a Lowe’s Foods location before I leave South Carolina and I’ll be happy to save ten bucks. The nearby offers can also be a good way to look around and see locations you might not have known were nearby – whether new stores in your home area or unfamiliar places around you when you are on the road.

You can download the Amex app for Android here and for Apple iOS here. If you find any surprise offers nearby, let us know in the comments.

H/T: Doctor of Credit for the Lowes offer.

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[…] this to happen with some offers, my experience has been that those offers are usually local (See: Reminder: Check “nearby” Amex Offers (you might find a pleasant surprise)). It was interesting to see that an offer for showed up this […]


HMMMM, wondering if setting a VPN to different locations in the US will pull up different offers????


I did it and only one available is sunglass hut – 20+ miles away. I wouldn’t consider that “nearby.” LOL


My question – does Lowe’s groceries code as a supermarket (i.e., use AMEX Everyday for bonus spend)? If not, can you stack the Lowe’s +1 bonus point Amex offer with this one?


When I want the same offer on the app I have always opened, several browsers that I’ve already have on my cellphone. Dolphin, Opera, Chrome and Firefox. It works like magic!


I bet if you unlink the card from your login name, the offer will show up on others. You can add the card back on later.


How do you unlink a card?