Several years ago, Greg wrote a guide on earning Miles for College. That strategy made use of buying Gift of College gift cards with a credit card that earns rewards that beat the activation fee. However, Sallie Mae has made the deal a bit better yet: according to a report from reddit, Sallie Mae will now allow the use of a credit card to make student loan payments via the Sallie Mae app. Apparently they are accepting credit card payments with no fee. That means easy fee-free spend for paying student loans, which can be a great deal.
The best cards to use for paying your student loans are likely those that earn the best rewards for everyday spend. According to data points I’ve read, Sallie Mae accepts Visa, Mastercard, and Discover (no Amex). See our Best Rewards for Everyday Spend page for a list of cards that earn the best return on this type of unbonused purchase.
H/T: Doctor of Credit

The question is, does this qualify for the BoA Cash Rewards online category or the online category for the Citi AT&T Access More Card?
Their hoping to get their funds before the CC holder goes BK .