The Shop Discover portal has increased cash back rates for a number of merchants. One of my favorites, is Sears at 10% cash back:
To see why this is interesting, please see these posts:
- Discover extreme savings
- How to earn points and what to buy with Sears gift cards
- Bet You Didn’t Know: 5x for physical Sears gift cards
Never miss a Quick Deal, Subscribe here.

If you click on it through cashbackwatch, it’ll take you right to the Sears page after you log in at shopdiscover. Here’s the link.
Also, don’t forget to sign up for the 5% bonus cashback for any online purchase through the end of the year at shopdiscover. That makes the effective rate 15%.
I spent 30 min but still can not find Sears being listed at shop discover deals. Am I missing sth? Thanks!
I find easier to navigate than discover deals.