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Tag: Air Canada Aeroplan

a screenshot of a hotel loyalty program

Earn up to a 30% Bonus on Transfers to Aeroplan

Get up to a 30% bonus when transferring hotel points to Aeroplan.
a close-up of an airplane

Take a Quiz & Get 1,000 Free Aeroplan Miles (Possibly Targeted)

Take a quiz and get 1,000 free Aeroplan miles.
a close up of a logo

1,000 Free Air Canada Aeroplan Miles for Joining Fairmont President’s Club

Get 1,000 free Air Canada Aeroplan miles for joining Fairmont's President's Club loyalty program.
a close up of numbers

Earn up to 55,000 Bonus Miles on Transfers to Aeroplan

Earn up to 55K bonus miles by transferring points to the Aeroplan loyalty program.
a close-up of a sign

Earn up to 40,000 Bonus Miles on Transfers to Aeroplan

Aeroplan is offering up to 40,000 bonus miles for transfer into their program from a variety of partners including SPG.

Huge Aeroplan sale on awards!

UPDATE: Deal is dead. Never miss a Quick Deal, Subscribe here.  Via Canadian Kilometers, Air Canada Aeroplan is currently pricing awards incorrectly and massively...

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