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Tag: Citi ThankYou Prestige Card

Another program dumps distance based mile earning; Greendot dumps MoneyPaks; and the after-effects of...

Citi dumps distance based mile-earning On the heels of Delta and United moving away from distance based mile-earning, Citibank has announced that they are...

Citi Prestige may end companion ticket benefit. Maybe flight points too?

MileCards reports that the website that handles companion tickets for the Citi Prestige card, Spirit Incentives, had the following text on their site (now...

Distance based earning from Citi, less 5X from Wells, Southwest wackiness, gift card woes,...

Distance based mileage earnings live on The big news this week was United’s announcement that mile-earnings from flying will change from a distance-based to...

The Citi Prestige card to offer American Airlines club access. Maybe.

Via Twitter, PatMike reports that two different Citibank employees told her that the Citi Prestige card will offer American Airlines' Admirals Club access.  There...

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