This morning, a member of our Frequent Miler Insiders group discovered that Chase has released a refer-a-friend bonus for the Chase Sapphire Reserve: 10,000 Ultimate Rewards points for each friend who refer who is approved up to 50,000 Ultimate Rewards points per year.
Several years ago, Chase removed the ability to refer friends to the CSR, it’s nice to see it back again.
The Deal
- 10,000 bonus points for each friend you refer who gets a Chase Sapphire Reserve, up to a total of 50,000 bonus points per year
Click here to enter your information and generate a referral link
Key Terms
- You can earn a maximum of 50,000 points per year for Chase Sapphire Reserve referrals
Quick Thoughts
While it no longer carries the monster 100K signup bonus with which it debuted a few years ago, the current 60K signup bonus on the Chase Sapphire Reserve is still a strong value. It’s worth at least $900 in travel and when combined with the $300 in travel credits, it’s easy to come out well ahead in year 1 despite the $550 annual fee (which is not waived the first year). Adding a P2 referral creates an additional $150 in value.
Many people prefer to cancel or downgrade the card to the Chase Sapphire Preferred after the first year. It’s a keeper for me, primarily because of the value that I get from Pay Yourself Back Redemptions, but that’s not everyone’s situation and it’s absolutely worth doing the math to figure out if makes sense.
In order to keep discussion here focused on questions and comments about the deal itself, please don’t share your referral links in the comments. Our spam filters will block comments with links.
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My wife was just approved using my link. I’ve never referred anyone. How long does it usually take to receive the referral bonus?
They’re just a few weeks too late. After owning it since it was first introduced, I finally downgraded it in very large part because they wouldn’t let me get a referral bonus on it. Now if they would only learn from AMEX Delta cards and allow all Sapphire holders to refer people to either of the Sapphire cards to get the bonus, like AMEX does, that would be great. I referred several people to the Preferred card last year and received nothing, because I was a Reserved holder. I downgraded to a Freedom card and will wait for a good offer to get back into the Sapphire game. They aren’t there yet for me to come back. I’m thinking of moving to the Venture X.
You should be able to upgrade back to CSR if you want. I don’t think you need to wait a certain amount of time before upgrading.
Grant, thank you for the information. I’m hoping to take advantage of another Sapphire welcome offer, since it’s been more than 5 years since I received the last one. I don’t understand why their Reserved offer (and now referral amount) is always so much less than the Reserved when the fee is almost 6 times more! Although I do need to replace the lounge access I lost when downgrading, the Venture X seems to offer better access at a lower fee, so I’ll probably opt for that for my full-time travel card and wait to see if Chase offers the 100,000 welcome for Prefered, then take advantage of the more generous referral bonus as a Preferred member as well. Maybe at some point then, I would upgrade it back to Reserved after the first year. It’s just a shame that they don’t offer as good or better welcome and referral for Reserved as they do for Preferred holders. I just don’t get it when the fee is so much higher.
I think it comes down to who is a more profitable customer: CSR vs CSP. Seems like Chase wants more CSP members since they are incentivizing them with better referral offers. I’m sure Chase has data to back up their decision.
Doc of credit has a post with a link for 70k on the reserve by just logging into your account. Can do 3 or 4 days after a downgrade.
Nice find! I checked my account and the Chase Sapphire Preferred currently offers 15,000 Chase UR Points per referral, up to 75,000 points a year.