Well, that didn’t last long.
A few weeks ago I published a post highlighting a couple of decent offers in the UPS My Choice Deals program – a $30 Costco Shop card when taking out a Costco membership and $2 cashback on every Uber Eats order.
Unfortunately there’s not long left to take advantage of those offers and the others offered as part of the program. Reader Jay commented on that previous post a couple of days ago to give a heads up that the UPS My Choice Deals program will be ending on May 31, 2021.
Sure enough, when visiting the site it gives the following message:
UPS My Choice Deals website will be discontinued as of May 31, 2021.
If you have a Cash Back balance totaling $10.00 or more, please email us at customercare@benefithub.com or call us at 1-866-664-4621 to determine how to redeem it. We will be addressing Cash Back claims until December 15, 2021.
Thank you for being a loyal UPS My Choice member.
It’s a little concerning if the cashback you’ve earned is less than $10 because the wording above makes it sound like they don’t care about helping you withdraw it. I don’t know how much hassle it’s worth going to for less than $10, but out of principle it’d be good to get what you’re owed if you have a small balance in your account.
Alternative Options
If you were interested in the Costco deal and some others, all’s not lost. For starters, the Costco deal involves getting a $30 Costco Shop card rather than $30 cashback from UPS My Choice Deals. Provided you click through before the end of May, you can sign up for Costco and still get that offer.
If you end up procrastinating and miss out on that offer, you can still access the deal in other ways. The UPS My Choice Deals program is effectively a white-labeled program run by Benefit Hub. They offer the same deals via a bunch of other companies, so if you sign up for one of those you’ll hopefully find the same Costco deal and others. For example, by doing a little Googling I found Home Place Rewards. It’s free to register and they have the same $30 Costco offer available along with other deals.